Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico takes first trip outside capital after assassination attempt – IOTW Report

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico takes first trip outside capital after assassination attempt

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister Robert Fico took his first trip outside the capital on Monday since resuming his duties after an assassination attempt.

Fico visited a farm in Slovenska Nova Ves, northeast of the capital of Bratislava, along with agriculture minister Richard Takáč to check the grain harvest.

Fico said in a brief statement that Slovakia was not ready to lift a ban on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine and thanked farmers for their work.

He was using a walking stick and did not take any questions from the media.

It was his first official trip outside the capital since recovering from the May 15 attack in which he was shot in the abdomen as he greeted supporters in the town of Handlova, 140 kilometers (85 miles) northeast of the capital. more

4 Comments on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico takes first trip outside capital after assassination attempt

  1. When I was younger I met a couple of these European peeps that came from countries ending in “kian”. Tough as fucking nails. I’m thinking he fits in that category. Don’t shoot him, you’ll only piss him off.

  2. I can’t believe that Orban had the courage to get on several planes and fly to Ukraine, Russia, and China. Good for him, but how many pilots had his plane in their sights, just waiting for the go-ahead from Obama, etc.?

  3. Brad,

    Most of the software engineers I’ve worked with from the former eastern block are cut from similar cloth. Hard times make tough men. Tough men make for good times… Good times… Well, we’ve been living that since the WWII generation retired back in the late 70’s…


  4. When I was 19-20 I was wrestling on a Jr College team that had a Slovakian (as I remember) head coach. He arranged one of their wrestling teams to visit. There are no submission holds in free style wrestling. But these guys would pop the eyes out of their sockets before thy would allow you to pin them. Made for an exhausting 9 minutes. They were good people and we had a lot of fun with them.

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