5th Circuit Returns Vote Rights to Protecting Voters – IOTW Report

5th Circuit Returns Vote Rights to Protecting Voters

Daily Signal

In an Aug. 1 decision over redistricting of county commission seats in Galveston, Texas, the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has issued a decision that stops the political misuse of the Voting Rights Act by Democrats and their allies to create voting districts loyal to the Democratic Party instead of protecting the voting rights of minorities. This decision may also affect the political makeup of Congress and state legislatures in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas—the states within the jurisdiction of the 5th Circuit—moving dozens of seats from Democrat to Republican. More

5 Comments on 5th Circuit Returns Vote Rights to Protecting Voters

  1. Here in Illinois in 2010 the democrats redid the district map to push two districts with republican representation together to assure themselves of getting rid of one. My district, the 16th, had been represented for 20 years by a rock ribbed republican named Don Manzullo. The 17th was represented by a phony Tea Party candidate named Adam Kinzinger. I’m sure the democrats helped Adam win. As soon as the race was over he showed his true colors. Then after 12 years of treachery the democrats rewarded him for his loyalty by once again redrawing the map in such a way he could not possibly win. So he just quit.

  2. @RadioMattM — Interesting historical note: It was the Democratic-Republican Party that introduced gerrymandering, specifically Mass. Gov. Eldridge Gerry, a staunch Anti-Federalist, who later became James Madison’s VP.

  3. Just a quick history lesson. When this country was founded, there was ONE US House member for every 30,000 citizens (yes, the 2/5 rule, no women voting, land owners, etc. – deal). Because of the voting rules, in some districts, it meant ONE House member for as few as 5000 voters. Now there is ONE for every 750,000 to 1,000,000 citizens. A MASSIVE decrease in “representation.” Despite 3 times the population we had in 1910 (and a 10,000 fold increase in spending), the US House size has NOT increased since then and the passage of the Apportionment Act of 1910 (yes, yet ANOTHER Progressive POS piece of legislation). The US is now the SECOND LEAST REPRESENTED nation on earth in its legislature. India, with 1.3 BILLION people is worse than us. The New Hampshire State Assembly is nearly as large as the US House. Despite a budget that has grown exponentially, a deficit that is also growing exponentially (1 Trillion added every 100 days), taxes at all levels that STEAL 50%+ of the wealth of the nation, we have not seen and WILL NEVER SEE, an increase in the number of “representatives.” Instead, the more spending, stealing, destruction of freedom, regulation, and population, the LESS “represented” we will forever become. Just imagine if government did 1% of what it does, stole only 1% of what it steals, and impacted our lives, our businesses, and our future, only 1% of what it does now. Would this even be an issue? This is NOT sustainable at these levels and with this charade of “representation.” Yet everyone spends an infinite amount of time talking about district lines instead of questioning why we don’t have 2500 times MORE representation as the first citizens of this nation did.

  4. @ richard
    So the Former Illinois Republican Secretary of State, former GOP Governor (Jim Edgar), endorsed Kamala Harris for President !!

    The Illinois GOP has many traitors who are showing their true Ultra-liberal/Socialist colors.


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