Expect the Return of the Dairy State’s “Indefinitely Confined” – IOTW Report

Expect the Return of the Dairy State’s “Indefinitely Confined”

The Federalist

Election Integrity deniers often complain that Wisconsin has one of the more stringent voter ID laws in the country. That’s a good thing; the swing state Badger State has proved to be a cesspool of election integrity concerns in recent years.  

But there’s a voter ID-related loophole cheaters can drive a semi truckload of fraud through. In Wisconsin, voters may claim “Indefinitely Confined” status, which allows them to receive an absentee ballot without presenting proof that they are who they claim to be. A new report, “Wisconsin’s Voter ID Loophole: The Continuing Problem of Indefinitely Confined Voters,” examines the election integrity pitfalls of the lax law.

3 Comments on Expect the Return of the Dairy State’s “Indefinitely Confined”

  1. As Scott Adams says on his podcast, our system is by design guaranteed to allow cheating.
    I say, 1 day voting, paper ballots, voter ID, and no voting machines. How hard could that be?

  2. Sounds like a leftist definition of ‘dead’ who are “indefinitely confined” for sure!

    I envision voter registrars scouring cemeteries to register the “indefinitely confined”.

  3. It is going to come down to where we have to dip our thumb in ink and press it against a ballot so it can be manually counted then digitized for thumbprint comparison to throw out any votes with matching prints.


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