Chipotle Starts Replacing Workers With Robots to Bypass California’s Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

Chipotle Starts Replacing Workers With Robots to Bypass California’s Minimum Wage


The popular burrito chain Chipotle has found an innovative way of bypassing California’s minimum wage laws.

According to Mail Online, the company will shortly begin rolling out automated robots at some of their restaurants in the Golden State as a way of avoiding paying workers a $20 minimum wage. MORE

7 Comments on Chipotle Starts Replacing Workers With Robots to Bypass California’s Minimum Wage

  1. …just make sure they arent White.

    Or Black.

    Or Brown.

    Or any OTHER color that might offend.

    …also, I work on robots, rewire robots, program robots, tend the tooling on robots. Not many people do, so Im not cheap. And also because not many people do, it might take awhile to get one fixed at one of hundreds of Chipotles, because they tend to be proprietary which limits both the worker pool and parts pool even further.

    Ever wonder why McDonald’s ice cream machines are perenially broken?

    That’s why…

    …I understand why theyre doing it, but automation is playing on a different level, and franchises dont have huge profit margins to stock parts that may become obsolete or not hire workers that may accidentally or deliberately damage the machines (look up the origin of the word “Sabotage), so good luck with that.

    And yes, you WILL still need humies.

    SOMEONE has to feed the machines and clean the bathrooms.

    ..hopefully washing his hands in between….

  2. Given the way Californians tend to vote, more than half the population may as well be political robots anyway, so having robot food workers feed them seems wholly appropriate.

  3. Tell the displaced burger flippers to learn to “code”. Or wrench on robots.
    Always a new job opportunity if you’re willing (and able) to see a year into the future and take the leap.
    Think about the livery stable (horse) workers who went on to become auto mechanics.
    Since it’s Kommiefornia, I have Zero F**ks to give.


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