Chipotle fighting back against labor shortage by bringing on chip-making robot – IOTW Report

Chipotle fighting back against labor shortage by bringing on chip-making robot


Chipotle will soon be hiring an ideal new employee – one that will always show up for work on time, won’t complain about pay, and will never call in sick.

“Chippy,” a new robotic staff member, was created in partnership with Miso Robotics whose CEO Michael Bell said will help the already stressed workforce because “automation is the solution.”

“The restaurant industry had a labor gap before the pandemic,” Bell told  “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” on Friday. “The pandemic just accelerated this big gap between the number of jobs and the available labor.”

Bell explained that creating the tortilla chip-making robot was no easy undertaking and the mechanical chef is designed to make chips in a way that mirrors the subtle differences that you would find in human-made chips.

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19 Comments on Chipotle fighting back against labor shortage by bringing on chip-making robot

  1. Lets see here… minimum wage in the lefthand, automation on the right. Here come da bots!
    You can bet yer bottom dollar that the devious D-Ratz are dreaming up some regulatory/tax plan to somehow make automation more expensive as they see their tax revenue dropping!

  2. Chuckie
    APRIL 10, 2022 AT 12:35 AM
    “I can just bet there will be an news related issue when one night shift freak tries to get a Chippy to whack him off.”

    …you think you’re being funny but that shit happens.

    One of my early experiences with the budding Internet years ago was when I wanted to give my then very young son an idea about hiw the Cartesian “arm” robots I worked on operated, but couldn’t take him to work. I remembered that Radio Shack had once made a toy arm “robot” that wasn’t really robotic but you drove it with control sticks, but that was good enough for my purposes.

    Except the dying Radio Shack had quit selling those some time before.

    …so, son on lap, I went to this “Interwebs” thingy and typed the search term “Radio Shack Robot Arm” into God knows what proto search engine.

    And was gifted with porn, which is what the Internet does best.

    …see, some fellow had apparently gotten a few different iterations of this over the years, and enthused to his audience of what I assume were Democrat perverts about how he liked the last one he bought best, because it had a rubber coating on the tooling gripper that he REALLY liked to squeeze his penis with.

    Emergency CNTL ALT DEL before the phone modem picture could coalesce for my inquisitive little boy.

    Anything can be corrupted if someone’s pervy enough.

    I wouldn’t recommend it with the REAL deal though. They CAN be precise if you take a lot of time and your piece is in a predictable location and orientation OR you get extremely expensive camera equipment and do a fuckton of programming, but industrial robots are designed to be fast, durabke, and powerful and so would probably rip a dick out by the root before you could even THINK about the emergency stop.

    …there’s an old joke about a guy who needs to poop and the men’s room is closed, so he goes into a highly automated ladies room. While doing his throne business he sees three buttons on the wall: W, A, ATR are the makings.

    Upon finishing he decides to experiment. Pushing first the “W” button, he is surprised and pleased when it squirts warm water on his ass, washing it. He then pushes the “A” button, and enjoys the sensation of a warm breeze completely drying his ass.

    So now he pushes the third button.

    …later, at the hospital, he asks the doctor what’s happened to him.

    The doctor says, “ATR means Automatic Tampon Remover. Your dick is under your pillow”.


    It’d be like that.

  3. The claim that robots are poised to take over the world even to the level of self-replicating robots is all breathless bullshit and idiot produced hype. There isn’t much in this old world that works without the constant attention of a skilled repairman. Manufacturers cut WAAAY to many corners while bringing products to market. Often I have had to re-engineer an item just to get it to work the way it SHOULD have worked before it was sent to production. I don’t know how people without a machine shop keep the equipment on their homestead in operation. Hire out the work to be done or do without, I guess. This has turned into a long winded way of pointing out what the likes of Brad, SNS, Joe6pack, and others know full well. Robots are not going to take over diddly squat.

  4. Mystery
    APRIL 10, 2022 AT 5:34 AM
    “The claim that robots are poised to take over the world even to the level of self-replicating robots is all breathless bullshit and idiot produced hype.”

    …and if they ever DO, at least we have Will Smith to *heh* slap them down…

    “Robots building robots. That’s just stupid”
    -I Robot

  5. If you want to read good sci fi robot stories read City by Clifford D Simak, one of my favorite sci fi books from the early 50’s where the dogs and the robots and ultimately the ants take over civilization and what’s left of mankind has bugged out entirely because of that. Also Ring Around The Sun and Project Pope by Simak are great as well. Ring Around The Sun with robots taking over the manufacturing of everything and sending the protagonist of the story into a primitive backwoods planet in a parallel universe that’s one second ahead of ours in space and time with even more parallel universes in succession behind the first parallel universe and Project Pope with an electronic Catholic Pope built by robots running the religions of the world. I am also a huge fan of Marvin the Paranoid Android from the BBC series The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Who doesn’t like a mono syllabic permanently bummed out, depressed robot for comic relief as a robot sidekick. But my favorite Simak book is They Walked Like Men which has nothing to do with robots and the evil bad guys are bowling ball shaped morphing aliens from another dimension who try to take over the world and buy everything up to get rid of mankind and are stymied by a newspaper reporter, his girlfriend and a talking dog from another dimension. I love old sci fi, it had far more imagination and better writing than most of the current crop of newer sci fi. And then there’s always Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Robert A Heinlein to read as well. A wild imagination is a terrible thing to waste.

  6. Restaurants will never win this fight with automation because the government is there to tax them no matter what.
    They don’t have the employees but they want the money for labor being done.
    The government is broken and highly corrupt. They’re stripping the wealth out of the country for themselves through inflation and taxes.


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