“Rescue the Republic” – IOTW Report

“Rescue the Republic”

From the Event’s Website

What started as Defeat The Mandates, an historic idea to bring together the world’s leading COVID-19 dissidents in the early days of the vaccine mandates, and Rage Against The War Machine in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict, has now become today’s Rescue the Republic: Join The Resistance. 

The same team of visionary leaders who organized and rose up to send the strong message of “We will not comply” are raising voices once again to protest the ongoing dismantling and destruction of Western values across the globe.

On Sunday, September 29th we will come together on the sacred grounds between the WWII Memorial and the Washington Monument to rally again and say with one voice:

“We will NOT COMPLY with tyranny! We will RESCUE THE REPUBLIC!”

An impressive lineup of speakers and entertainment are scheduled. I’d expect to be there all day, so plan accordingly. Here

The forecast for Sunday is sunny with a high of 75 degrees.

2 Comments on “Rescue the Republic”

  1. God Bless them.

    How long before the spook agencies infiltrate and corrupt them?
    Look at the TEA Party – what a simple and wonderfully American idea that turned into a mountain of confusion (probably with the help of the spook agencies).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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