Texas: Austin Considers Controversial ‘Buffer Zones’ for Sex Offenders Near Schools – IOTW Report

Texas: Austin Considers Controversial ‘Buffer Zones’ for Sex Offenders Near Schools

(Texas Scorecard) – The lone conservative member of the Austin City Council is taking advantage of a state law to protect children near schools.

Councilmember Mackenzie Kelly is the lead sponsor for item 46 on Thursday’s Austin City Council agenda. The measure would begin a process to establish “child safety zones” around “premises where children commonly gather” to keep registered sex offenders away. read more

22 Comments on Texas: Austin Considers Controversial ‘Buffer Zones’ for Sex Offenders Near Schools

  1. …you know, if you just kill the pedophiles and child molesters after they are properly found guilty like you SHOULD, you wont have to worry about stupid crap like this that you have NO intention of enforcing in the FIRST place…

  2. Make the distance 25 miles so they have to move to the remote countryside and only get jobs in small towns that have no schools. Maybe they’ll illegally immigrate to Mexico or to some Sanctuary City that would protect them.

  3. Anonymous
    Thursday, 24 October 2024, 9:46 at 9:46 am
    “re 25 miles: i don’t want any more of those dkskrs living near me”

    …agreed. I drive 80 miles back and forth to work every day SPECIFICALLY to get away from City bullshit.

    I dont need it following me.

    …but no one thinks anything about rifle shots, bonfires, or freshly turned earth out here, so theres that…

  4. Uncle Al
    Thursday, 24 October 2024, 9:53 at 9:53 am
    “The male sex offenders ought to be free to go wherever they want as long as they leave their dicks at home.”

    …much as I like the idea, they remain rapist with or without a penis, using any phallus-shaped object that comes to hand. They get off on the power and humiliation, the sex act is just a bonus.

    The only way to stop a pedo is to send him to God’s Judgement by any means necessary and as quickly as possible.


    Once theyve touched a child, there is no redeeming them.

  5. The only buffer zone that is needed is the exercise yard at the Walls Unit, Huntsville. If you cannot trust someone that has been released from prison, he should not have been released. How incredibly simple is that?

  6. I would be highly suspect of anything that comes out of the Austin City Council, even if it’s championed by their one “conservative” member.

    The rest of the state needs to get on with it and dig a moat around Austin.


  7. Uncle Al
    Thursday, 24 October 2024, 10:24 at 10:24 am
    “@SNS — It would be my hope and expectation that, if a sex offender had to leave his dick behind to go anywhere, he wouldn’t go anywhere.”

    …well, lets expand this concept.

    -Cut his dick off. Not optional.

    -FORCE him to get up and leave then, but without staunching the wound IN ANY WAY.

    – Record the breif interval of his enforced walk to exsaguination for a preview of coming attactions for the other convicted pedopholes, and as a generally broadcast warning to ones that may have been thinking about crossing the line.

    – Repeat until the stock of “known pedophiles” is exhausted.

    But keep the knives available.

  8. @ SNS THURSDAY, 24 OCTOBER 2024, 9:18 AT 9:18 AM

    That’s the long and short of it. In my opinion anyone and everyone who opposes that is living vicariously through the acts committed by the child predators THEY protect.

  9. Toby Miles,
    “if they have puberty blockers,
    there should be pervert blockers”

    There is. It’s a high speed lead-and-copper injection, guaranteed to block pervs in their tracks.

  10. Do your children a HUGE favor. Show them that you actually love them, and KEEP THEM AWAY from the government monopoly day prisons once and for all. HOMESCHOOL or private school. To pretend that the government cares about YOU or your children is beyond delusional. Establish your own buffer zone and keep your children out.


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