Dozens of Democrat leaders are reportedly struggling to find a “coherent message” to fight President Donald Trump.
The New York Times reported Sunday that, at private meetings and public events, Democrats “appear leaderless, rudderless, and divided.” More
I struggle to find any Demoncrat that has a coherent message.
I believe most of them are Demonic possessed libtards that don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.
“Coherent message” sounds despicably ableist to me. What about those poor unfortunates who, through no fault of their own, cannot understand the message because they’re too fscking stupid?
it’s kinda hard to have a coherent message when your whole party is nothing but a dumping ground for every tiny, fringe grievance group in the country.
Sure they do. You’re a racist, and misogynist, and you hate women. Hang on, I got to find my list.
They carry a message from their master satan.
“Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law”.
THAT is their message.
Always has been.
Always will be.
Fetterman is the only one out of all of them with some actual coherent thoughts and he is still recovering from bad stroke.
No coherent message? I’m not seeing it.
Fetterman still voted the party line on the confirmations. Just another weak loser. No spine.
Orange man bad.
What did I win?
And this is different from the past 80 years how?
Stop fighting, find some part of this that will make things better and support that.
There is another election in less than 2 years…
“…“We have no coherent message,” Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said…”
Yes you do, your coherent message is we hate the American people. We love only ourselves and the mega donors who make us wealthy and keep us in power. And what you had was a propaganda legacy media who systematically lied and gaslit the American people to hide that fact. Unfortunately for you, alternative media outlets (thank you Andrew Breitbart) have exposed your lies and your true intentions. You are the Emperor who has no clothes…and it aint pretty.
Being unhinged and incoherent has a negative impact on having a coherent message.
Same as always the last 8+ years.
Orange Man Bad.
Seems to work on 49% of the voters. Why stop now?
They don’t need one.
More accurately: they have no coherent scam anyone is.listening to anymore. Scummy traitors, all of them.
They are reduced to calling conservatives Nazis, Hitler types, ill-educated rubes, dictators, etc. These are the Hobgoblins of little liberal minds.
Take this little minnow David Hogg. So skinny he couldn’t hold up any firearm except for maybe a one-shot derringer. The little bitch wants to take our firearms. Good Luck with that. His only value is to be used as fish bait.
Can we call David Hogg Chum then. How’s it going chum. He has loser written all over him and the democraps deserve him because no one else wants him.
More and more everyday people are getting red-pilled daily.
Or should I say “orange pilled”?
It is because the Democrats are not a Party, they are a confederation of malicious, maladjusted malcontents all with a sense of entitlement that is Biblical in scale. Trump cutting off the flow of gimme dats is going to really cause the infighting among all of the various gangs as they scramble to get their “fair share” of a dwindling pie. All hell is about to break loose within the communist/Satanist paradise and the fuckers have a way of settling internecine struggles that is going to be as entertaining to watch as the chariot race in Ben Hur.
The only rudder the Dems have is a Dutch rudder.
They don’t have a coherent prevarication. Their message is such that they dare not speak it plainly. .
“In time of no immediate threat, the orcs mostly stick together with brutal command and show of force.
We can read Tolkien’s thoughts from Frodo’s view, just after they narrowly escape a hunting party, mainly because the two orcs taunt each other and “the tracker” finally kills the other orc:
‘Well, I call that neat as neat,’ [Sam] said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’
‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. ‘There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.’
Return of the King, Book Six, The land of the Shadow (ch. 2)”
Democrats Have “No Coherent Message”?
Of course they do have you not seen the highlights from this years DNC Meeting?
“appear leadership, rudderless, and divided”
Now why do you suppose a bunch of entitled victim groups all striving for a larger slice of the pie when none have earned even a sliver of it in the first place would be leader less, rudderless, and divided?
Not hard to understand if you have an IQ above that of an air conditioned room.
A coherent message for Kamala Harris would be a slap upside her head.