Hours after being booted from the White House by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky kept his appointment for an interview by Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier.
Zelensky began the interview by thanking President Trump and the American people for their support throughout Ukraine’s three-year war with Russia.
Things went downhill quickly from there, when Zelensky was pressed by Baier to answer the question about whether he owed President Trump an apology. more hereI was always very thankful from all our people. You helped us a lot from the very beginning… you helped us to survive. We are strategic partners, even in such tough dialogue.
…just a reminder thst The Little DickTaster is also a literal Nazi…
The jig is up, former President Zelensky.
Nuthin sez “you fucked up” like pissing off the very people you came too beg help from… IN A T-SHIRT no less!
Get a real job… and maybe even a suit!
Hell, even the Ambassidor had her head in her hands! Even THEY know he’s an arrogant little prick who just revealed to the world what an Asshole he really is!
Crying about the gravy train being shut down and discovering the “New Big Guy” doesn’t want his cut!
Life has changed for this spoiled child who thinks that everyone wants to suck up to him…so shut up and pay. us back with the rare earth metals….
I think he was expecting an addled old pedophile whos son he has blackmail on to greet him warmly and give him everything he demands because thats what his boss told him to do.
Then he found President Trump there instead.
I hope Trump issues a few conditions to have him back in the White House:
Now you follow me rules:
You WILL be respectful!
You WILL follow decorum!
You WILL learn to say “Thank You” in good English!
You WILL respect and work for my desire for a path to peace!
We now have a dress code. You WILL wear a suit!
And be thankful I’m not Biden. He would have wanted you to wear a dress and sniff your hair.
I have to say that this reminds me of the June debate. Everybody who for years said that Biden was just fine, suddenly just “realized” what a wretched wreck he was. Now all the Lindsey Grahams are piling on 7elensky like they just found out he’s a murderous psychopath.
PDT knew what was up with Biden and 7elensky from day one. He got rid of one, and he’s working on the other. Both of them have done great damage to their respective nations, and now PDT has to pick up the pieces as only he can do.
I am disgusted at how Jake Tapper wrote a book slagging all of the people who covered for Biden, when he was one of them. All I am saying is that some people who are ostensibly on the right had better be careful jumping on the “Get 7elensky” bandwagon if they shilled for him from the beginning.
If you’ve genuinely, finally seen the dawn through the deep state neocon warhawk fog, welcome aboard. But if you’re just now acknowledging the reality you knew all along, only so that you can continue maneuvering your failed Ukraine schemes, get bent. We saw this same show last Summer.
Thirdtwin – A long time ago a wise man once said “Remove the scales from your eyes” and gained a new perspective on the truth!
It also reminds me of Jackass Jimmy Carville. It didn’t really bother me that we didn’t hear jack shit from this idiot until democRATz lost! Now all we hear from the raging rectum is how smart he is about what the democRATz should have done while he was sleeping under a rock!
Shut yer piehole Jackass!
The Little Napoleonic Dicktaster has met his Waterloo.
He met his water loo and IT pissed all over HIM!
Harry, maybe we should play the cowpie classic Waterloo by Stonewall Jackson from 1959 in honor of the little midget Ukrainian dictator Zellensky.
geoff – has to look that one up!
By the way, I hoid there’s a sign in Belgium that sez:
“This is where Napoleon blew his Boneparte”
Baier is a warmongering, Trump hating, neocon globalist. No wonder Fox keeps him employed.
@Harry – you have to add ONE most important item to that list:
Unless itz “Thank You Sir! May I have a nother?”
Then STFU!