Largest Trade Organization Under Fire For Allegedly Muzzling Conservative Christians – IOTW Report

Largest Trade Organization Under Fire For Allegedly Muzzling Conservative Christians

Daily Caller: The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is facing legal pushback for allegedly censoring conservative Christian real estate agents for their personal beliefs.

Critics are slamming NAR’s ethics code, specifically Article 10-5, for serving as a “weaponization tool” that’s been used to further conservative Christian “persecution.” Several of these realtors claiming their rights and businesses have been targeted are now pursuing legal action against the NAR or other parties involved.

Virginia realtor and broker Wilson Fauber, Arizona realtor Chad DeVries and Georgia realtor Julie Mauck, all self-professing conservative Christians, have filed lawsuits or have said they intend to file against the NAR, their local realtor associations or individuals who brought ethics complaints against them under the NAR’s Article 10-5.

Fauber has discussed taking legal action against the NAR and the Virginia Association of Realtors (VAR) after they both ruled that he was guilty of “hate speech” for posting a Bible verse with commentary ten years ago on his personal Facebook page.

Fauber served clients and was active in ministry for 44 years until the National Association of Realtors informed him in early 2024 that someone had filed an ethics complaint against him for his Facebook post, citing that it was discriminatory against the LGBT community. more here

7 Comments on Largest Trade Organization Under Fire For Allegedly Muzzling Conservative Christians

  1. Realtors.
    We sold 3 of our homes and bought 3 from sales by Homeowners over over 40 years. I never did understand paying a realtor 7% to sell your property when you can easily do it yourself. It’s a simple contract. That is unless it’s overpriced to cover the Realtor fee or your property isn’t up to par.

  2. Wilson Fauber is an acquaintance of mine and a very nice guy, if previously a bit naive about the left. He was born and raised in this small town in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where he built a successful real estate career and served on the local Economic Development Authority. Not a bit of controversy about the guy until he ran for city council. That’s when some keyboard warriors did a deep dive on his social media and found a scriptural reference on his personal facebook page from many years ago. Trolling him online and heckling at the candidate forums, they managed to transform what generally amounts to a quaint local popularity contest into a referendum on wokeness, which mobilized the vote of the recent urban refugee transplants to vote for the opponent, who is from Northern Virginia.

    But, not satisfied with just destroying his candidacy, an anonymous accuser then targeted Wilson’s livelihood by filing a complaint with the Realtors Association. If these people are politically motivated, it is with a disproportionate and disturbed personal hatred. But I suspect there is more to the NAR complaint, where politics (aka ‘ethics’) may be a cover for getting rid of the homegrown good ol’ boy network in local real estate. You see, our little town has been discovered by residents of the larger, woker, and more expensive areas such as Charlottesville, Richmond, and Northern Virginia, resulting in an influx of carpetbaggers and opportunists ranging from liberal retirees to agents and flippers to Air BnB investors who are colonizing the neighborhood and pricing locals out of the market.

    I’m sure whoever picked this fight with the mild mannered Mr. Fauber expected to easily make an example of him and quickly clear the way for the network of interlopers. But, kind of like our President, Wilson has no where else to go and, more importantly, nothing left to lose so, he is putting up a heck of a fight. I hope he wins and that his accuser is doxxed and disgraced –and that I’ll get to say ‘I told you so’ when we find out who it was.

  3. Hey Cato,
    I tried to sell on my own some years back. I had no idea that the realtor mafia would NOT show clients my home. Countless agents contacted me wanting to list my home. But bring a buyer? No way. I was MLS listed, professional photos, signs, offered a sale commission, the whole bit.

    I wanted to out-smart them and looked into getting a realtor license. I found a sample test online, a child could pass it. But it turns out that you can’t get the license without a sponsoring agency. Mafia lock out.

    I would love to see that ‘profession’ crushed. Along with the Title companies. Extortion rackets, nothing else.

    Good for you that you made it work.

  4. I have noticed that quite a few real estate agencies in my area have gone “all in” on promoting the LSDBLT agenda and other woke causes, even though I know many individual Christian realtors. I also get the whole “extortion racket” Denny mentioned. (I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two)

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