WSJ Says We’ll Learn the Fate of the Dept. of Ed Today – IOTW Report

WSJ Says We’ll Learn the Fate of the Dept. of Ed Today


President Donald Trump is expected to issue an executive order aimed at his long-held goal of abolishing the U.S. Department of Education, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The order may come as soon as Thursday, the newspaper said, citing people familiar with the matter whom it did not name. The White House and the department did not immediately respond to requests for comment late on Wednesday. More

10 Comments on WSJ Says We’ll Learn the Fate of the Dept. of Ed Today

  1. Senior DoEd bureaucrats are weighing in…

    “Dat ain’t right!… We needs dee deepartmont of educashun fo’ dee chilluns!…”

    “Dat muhfuhah ain’t right. How’z keeds gonna get a collage sportz skalahship if dey ain’t got a hi skul deeplomah & shiat?”

    “How are children going to know if they’re transgender if we don’t have the DoEd paying schools to tell them they are transgender!… Trump is literally Hitler!!!”

  2. Trump needs to hold off on this then pass a new date on to the suspected leakers. He needs to do this several times as he knows they can’t resist giving this info to the media. Then he needs to have those involved fired, arrested, convicted and jailed in the great GITMO RESORT.

  3. @ Pogo

    WSJ and the usual “people familiar with the matter”?

    I’m guessing PDT has already done as you said, and this WSJ “scoop” gave him the info he needs.

  4. The left will have every scummy judge blocking this action in an instant. It will take the supreme court to settle this, and they ain’t looking that good lately!


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