Minnesota House of Representatives
In Minnesota, you can use force, even deadly force, to defend yourself provided you first try to get away from your attacker and your counterforce is commensurate with the danger you are facing.
And that “duty to retreat” legal standard will remain the case because the House was unable to garner enough votes Thursday to pass HF13, which would have allowed a person to use reasonable force in self-defense “regardless of whether a reasonable possibility of retreat to avoid the danger exists.”
“This is not a ‘shoot first’ bill that you’re going to hear tonight,” said Rep. Matt Bliss (R-Pennington), the bill sponsor. Nor, he said, would it unleash unlawfulness whereby people are shooting each other over disputed parking spaces.
Needing 68 House votes for passage, the bill could only garner party-line results with 67 affirmative votes but 65 negative votes. It was then reconsidered and tabled in a pair of procedural moves. More
That means essentially every republican voted for the measure and every democrat voted against it. -Dr. Tar
So after the muslim beheads you, you have the right to fight back. Got it.
The People’s Republic of Libtardia (Maryland) has the same stupid law.
At least we have the castle doctrine.
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
Something changed in Minnesota, though. I notice that they’ve recently been added to the list of states that recognizes my CCW. Not that I plan to go there, mind you.
This in a state that framed a police officer for the murder of a “gentle giant” who’s death was the result of an OD. Which resulted in a “gentle giant” riot and the burning of a section of the “gentle giant’s’ neighborhood in Minneapolis. Followed by the theft of millions in taxpayer dollars paid to the “gentle giant’s” family to elevate the “gentle giant” to the sainthood of “gentle giants”.
I stepped back one step then shot.
So, if I understand this correctly, once you give your attacker over 50% of the advantage then you can counter-attack.
Dems never were very good at math or common sense.
The purpose of this law is to punish white people who refuse to passively allow black criminals to murder them. It will only be applied to white people who kill black attackers.
suck dick, *******
…just handle it like this…
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6…..IF you are rich and can afford competent legal representation. If not then your ass is going to prison REGARDLESS of the actual facts.