Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard revoked security clearances from the 51 ‘spies who lied,’ several Biden-era officials and Deep State lawyers.
Joe Biden is also no longer receiving his Daily Brief.
Last month, President Trump stripped the security clearances of at least eight corrupt ‘antagonists’ who worked for Biden or targeted him for ruin over the last several years:
Former Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Former NatSec Advisor Jake Sullivan
New York Attorney General Letitia James
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
Biden’s Deputy AG Lisa Monaco
Corrupt prosecutor Andrew Weissmann
Deep State lawyer Mark Zaid
Norm Eisen – the man behind all the lawfare against Trump
On Monday, Tulsi Gabbard said that, on Trump’s orders, she had revoked all of their security clearances.
And don’t forget the prosecution.
OK, I got a stupid question, actually two. Why do members of past administrations get to keep their security clearances anyway? It’s not like they are affecting policy or have an influence, this seems dumb. But more importantly, why do city civil servants (Bragg, James), have a security clearance? They handle crimes (or at least they are supposed to) within their city, that’s it, none of this involves sensitive intel. If the FBI or Homeland Security gets a whiff of some international plot within that city, they can brief the cops.
“This means they would not be able to enter the US Attorney’s Office, federal courthouses, the New York FBI Field Office, federal correctional facilities and prisons.”
…they ABSOLUTELY need to be allowed in Federal court houses and Federal correctional facilities and prisons.
On the way to the gallows…
Rich Taylor –
the stated purpose behind letting them keep their clearance is; in case their service is immediatly needed by the government (again) it would take too long to clear them (again). Yes, it’s a load of crap.
The truth is that they ALL want to keep their clearance in order to make money off it. Consulting, advising, lawyering, you name it.
too bad, *******
^^^^^ that doesn’t really answer my question of why they have the security clearance in the first place, referring to the two idiot DA’s.
Re: ex members of past administrations, I accept your explanation and yes, it is a load of crap. The only example I can think of, of retreads getting rehired, is Bill Barr.
@Rich: Prosecutors somtimes have access to information gathered by feds that impacts cases in front of them. That whole “methods and sources” thing kicks in that requires a clearance on who gets to see it.
As to your first point I’m puzzled too. First is ‘Need to Know’ which is a bedrock in classified material that seems to be ignored when granting political types access. Second is separation from a job/duty by resignation or retirement would normally revoke access. Again, something seemingly ignored for many of the politically.
At one time I held a ‘nose bleed’ clearance in the military. That emphatically did NOT mean I had unfettered access to all material at that level. Perhaps the military and civilian sides of this issue bear little resemblance.
Maybe they’ve been monitored since the election to see if they’ll commit acts of treason and revoking their security clearances is the first step in bringing charges.
I’ve had to get a security clearance for manufacturing military parts. The clearance is project specific. They inspect your facility. All the ceiling tiles need to be wired down, all data needs to be stored is a safe, etc, etc. Along with going through my shorts and any important personnel’s shorts. But when that projects done so is the security clearance. And they come out and collect just about everything.
You would think that security clearances need to be maintained and checked on a regular basis.
Years ago I was asked to give advice on how to set up a small studio for the public information office of a top secret laboratory. Believe it or not, the public information office was in a secure area of the facility. I had to be given a quick background check just to go into that office.
Maybe retired people or people and people from previous administrations could have quick checks from time to time so they would be ready to go, but it is asinine to just leave all these security clearances hanging out there.
Area 51, or 51 A-holes?
They need to revoke the security clearances and all passwords of Fed worker who does not answer the, “What did you do at work last week?” email.
Good start. So when can we expect them to be charged with treason?
This gives me a schadenboner. If any one of these vermin get a public perp walk, I’m gonna schadenspew in my pants.