Serving Illegal Immigrant Children While Ending the Incentives That Keep Them Coming – IOTW Report

Serving Illegal Immigrant Children While Ending the Incentives That Keep Them Coming

Redlands Christian Migrant Association: A Case Study

Capital Research Center: As a former middle and high school ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, I spent years working with migrant students, many of whom were in the country illegally. These kids showed up in my classroom every day, eager to learn despite the challenges of poverty, language barriers, and in many cases unstable living situations. I cared deeply about my students, and as a teacher, my job was to serve the children in front of me, regardless of how they got here.

But while my heart went out to these kids, I couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room: Why were they here in the first place? What policies were incentivizing their parents to risk everything, cross borders illegally, rely on government assistance, and take up taxpayer-funded resources that American families struggle to access?

Redlands Christian Migrant Association: A Case Study

Perhaps an example would best illustrate the problem. Let’s look at the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA). Based in Florida, RCMA receives millions of taxpayer dollars to fund its programs. In 2023 alone, the nonprofit was awarded $91.8 million in federal and state grants—primarily from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—accounting for 95 percent of its total budget. When an organization receives nearly all its funding from the U.S. government and abides by lengthy government regulations in how it operates, it’s only technically a separate entity from the federal government. In reality, this isn’t a true nonprofit but rather a heavily funded, quasi-government program operating under the guise of a private organization. more here

8 Comments on Serving Illegal Immigrant Children While Ending the Incentives That Keep Them Coming

  1. When all of these programs are torched, there should be a lot of money coming back to the taxpayers and no national debt.
    Can feel sorry for the kids being stuck with criminal trash parents.

  2. Get the illegal third-worlders out and out of our school systems and you’ll see a miraculous rise in academic proficiency without doing one single thing more. The stupids and non-English speakers will be gone, and teachers themselves will have fewer students and stressors.

  3. You want to serve them. Fine. Serve them a Fast Food burger, order of fries and a shake, then load them up and ship them home. Make sure the parents that are here are with them get sent back as well so the Leftists can’t bitch about families being separated.

  4. Gee, I wonder if this Christian organization ran a school that taught Biblical creation, the sanctity of the unborn, and that there were only 2 genders, I wonder if they would get $92 million taxpayer dollars?

    This is the exact sort of nonsense DOGE should be looking at. Subsidizing criminality is not Christian.

  5. Rich Taylor, a quibble: there are THREE genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. “Gender” is not a synonym for “sex”. We have to stop playing in the left’s word sewage. Doing so only helps them confuse people.

  6. I used to volunteer at a Christian clinic through my church. We didn’t worry about immigration status. One day I thought “We are enabling, and in fact, encouraging the breaking of laws”. When I told the director I wasn’t coming in anymore because I knew the Bible told people to obey the government, not aid and abet the breaking of laws like we were doing, he got very angry.


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