House Dem Pulls Fire Alarm to Disrupt Passage of Stop Gap Bill – IOTW Report

House Dem Pulls Fire Alarm to Disrupt Passage of Stop Gap Bill


According to numerous media sources, New York Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman pulled an emergency fire alarm in the House of Representatives today in an effort to delay the spending bill that was being debated.

In ordinary times, this would lead to arrest and possible removal from office.  However, amid the DC dual justice system, and protected by cultural Marxism, it’s likely Bowman will receive no punishment.  His actions were captured on CCTV video. More

The bill passed the House and the Senate is expected to vote on it today, avoiding a shut down for 3 months. McConnell initially opposed the bill because there was no funding for Ukraine, but was persuaded to seek approval. Here

12 Comments on House Dem Pulls Fire Alarm to Disrupt Passage of Stop Gap Bill

  1. Wait, isn’t the onus on the GOP majority House to “instruct” the Capitol Police to file criminal felony charges on this douche? If he gets away with it, it is because McCarthy and company are all a bunch of pussies who value comity over retribution.


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