A 10-point guide to not offending transgender people – IOTW Report

A 10-point guide to not offending transgender people

No, this isn’t a comedy piece (although I’m sure it will become one in the comments.)


Why is it inappropriate to ask a trans person if they’ve had surgery?

Why is it wrong to assume trans people ‘become’ men or women?

What is ‘dead naming’ and why should it be avoided?

“Dead naming” is where a person’s former name or pronoun is used in place of the name they are living as. Numerous media outlets dead named Caitlyn Jenner by referring to her former name and pronoun even after she’d publicly announced her new name.

“Those names, for many people, are a sort of dead, buried part of their identity that can actually represent a lot of pain,” says Fink.

Why is the term ‘cross dressing’ offensive?

Is the term ‘trans’ the same as ‘transgender’? Which is more correct?


ht/ the big owe

27 Comments on A 10-point guide to not offending transgender people

  1. I once knew a girl named Holly who came from Miami, FLA. She was hitchhiking across the USA. She plucked her eyebrows on the way, shaved her legs and then he was a she. So my transgender question is: can I still say “doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo” without offending anyone?

  2. 10. Why is important that the media balances ‘negative’ stories about suicidal and homicidal people?

    Fink says there is a tendency in the media to only focus on negative or traumatic stories of suicidal and homicidal people.

    “Being suicidal in its own right can actually be a really positive and empowering thing, if it’s allowed to be,” Fink says.

    “It’s important to recognize that there are still many obstacles to be overcome but I do think after a certain point it can become a bit of an inspiration porn type situation.

    “When you’re not balancing stories of suffering with stories of success and happiness, particularly for youth, it makes it very hard to look to the future … it makes it hard to think, ‘Well, if I come kill myself, what’s my life going to be like?’

    “When I was 10, I discovered the term homicidal maniac through [TV shows like] Jerry Springer and NCIS, and murderers were getting beaten up or killed by their families and for me, that was terrifying.

    “I maybe wouldn’t have felt so terrified and in denial if I’d seen [in the media] that being a killer, even a self-killer, can actually be a very happy and OK thing.”

  3. Freakazoids only make up a tiny fraction of 1% of the population and look how much time and energy the nation is wasting on them. In the good old days regular guys used to just beat the shit outta them. So the perverts kept to themselves. Life was way better then. Kinda wonder if the MSM keeps this story alive to take the heat off their pal, Ocommie.

  4. I’m still waiting for the 10-point guide TO offending transgender people.

    In lieu of that, I’ll just have to borrow some of the comments from IOTWR readers. That should suffice until something better comes along.


  5. I refuse to be indoctrinated in Tranny respect.

    To remain un-pc I must not care what they want me to call them.

    I have my answer if I’m corrected on my pronouns in the future – ‘whatever’. Maybe accompanied by a shrug, smirk & eye roll.

  6. I gots 10 questions I’d like to ask:

    1) As a young child, did you ever stand in front of the mirror and tuck your dick and balls between your legs so you could see what it would look like as a vagina?

    2) Panties or thongs?

    3) Since you proudly profess to wear a strap-on during sex, why in the hell did you slice off snakey in the first place???

    4) You WERE fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Then you decided to grow a penis and cut off your boobs. Who the hell put you in charge?

    5) If you were in a heavy metal band, would the name of your band be
    “Pecker Of The Damned?”

    6) North Carolina won’t let you piss in a bathroom as a female because you have a tallywacker. Ever heard of a place called Hell?

    7) Transexuals have a high suicide rate. Is the last question they ask before they pull the trigger, “DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE???”

    8) Ever go to squat when you meant to stand? And vice versa?

    9) Lepers don’t need to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to have gender reassignment surgery. They just wait until their schlong naturally falls off. Man. Those lepers make out like bandits, no?

    10) WTF??????????????????

  7. @Jerry – love your post – got a good laugh out of number 4.. I have to ask, what are your thoughts on friendly lesbians who are conflicted and hate men.. how do you deal with that bullshit???

  8. You would have to be a psychologist to know what to say and what not to say to deviants. I’m not going to waste my time trying to figure it out.
    Then again, it’s probably a good thing the mentally ill have specific behaviors so it’s known which crazy we’re dealing with when they show up.

  9. If you fail to hold open a door for a Tranny, do you offend it by indicating it isn’t a woman, or do you hold it open, and offend it with your sexist microagression? Libstains should put their heads in the door of an elevator until they figure this one out.


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