A Bias So Blatant Even Pew Research Can See It – IOTW Report

A Bias So Blatant Even Pew Research Can See It

Donald Trump had no honeymoon from the press during his first 100 days in office. It was instead a nonstop attack on the oval office that is unprecedented treatment for  modern presidents of this century. The media also like to source itself for comments of dissatisfaction with the chief executive.



14 Comments on A Bias So Blatant Even Pew Research Can See It

  1. Here’s one of the reasons I hate pinterest. Every picture there gets shared/uploaded a million times and so when you search an image, it loads pinterest up ahead of every other site. The previous image had like 534 shares on pinterest and a few elsewhere, like twitter. So guess where it ranks first? Pinterest. Where it probably got cropped in the first place.

    Pinterest is an annoyance for image searching. I can’t stand it.

  2. The Media (reporters) needs to have their bank accounts checked, what’s to say the Lib’s aren’t paying for reporters Ski Vacations – Cruises and extra Bene’s when really needed – like Emergency Cash or help for their Kid’s when it’s urgent !!!

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