A Chubby Mexican Congressman Did Not Climb a 30 Foot Border Wall – IOTW Report

A Chubby Mexican Congressman Did Not Climb a 30 Foot Border Wall

Some dumpy Mexican congressman pulled a stunt and said he climbed a 30 foot border wall. Unfortunately the footage shows him sitting atop the wall where he bleats on and on about the wall being stupid, but failed to show even one second of his marvelous feats of strength.

NY Post-

“You can climb it with great ease, one climbs in an instant,” he said. “I climbed it in Tijuana, one of the highest parts. Even from a distance, this looks very complex, but there are young people that go up and down at all times.”

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is unnecessary and totally absurd to build a wall,” he said. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

“Braulio, fat slob” @RodriguezBertie tweeted in Spanish. “You can’t even climb the toilet by yourself.”

Question, dumpy-
Why do you care if The United States wastes their own money on a useless border wall?


28 Comments on A Chubby Mexican Congressman Did Not Climb a 30 Foot Border Wall

  1. A wiser hot would probably show the crane which hoisted his chubby carcass to the top. He sure did not climb it alone. And how do you get down from there?

  2. In my humble opinion, this stunt demonstrates exactly why we NEED a proper wall. And unless I am mistaken, the average border crosser does not have a crane handy to hoist them up to the top.

    BTW, some electricity may be a sensible tool. It would certainly persuade fat-assed foreign politicians from lecturing to us about our border security measures as they straddle the top of the wall.

  3. Looks like a chubby dude sitting on a dumpster to me.

    Also, I think my tallest extension ladder is 24 feet and it scares the bejesus out of me when fully extended and I’ve got to go to the top of it. Plus you’ve got to have ladders on both sides, one for ascent, one for descent.
    Easy? Not without coconspirators.

  4. Why do you care if The United States wastes their own money on a useless border wall?

    A few billion less tax dollars for the mexican arm of the US SNAP program.

  5. Simple solution: Defend the Wall with Deadly Force.
    Take National Security seriously, for a change – not just to cop a feel off of pre-teens at airports.
    Kill the rat-people and leave their carcasses as a warning.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Like I said in a past post – build the wall, but leave an occasional low spot and install shooting benches at 100, 200 and 300 yards from the spots. Then charge Americans a shooting range fee.
    The wall will be paid for.

  7. What would the fat asswipe and his filthy butt brother Mexicans do if 40 to 50 million Americans climbed over the wall and marched into Mexico demanding they be treated with respect and be given free housing, education, welfare, food, medical care, retirement income and complete access to unlimited tacos?

  8. They didn’t show the 30′ cherry picker
    that put his ass up there.
    In my 20’s/30’s, I’m thinking deck shoes,
    and two rope walkers to climb it. It’d be
    difficult though.

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