Bathmophobia isn’t a fear of taking a bath on a moped. No, its the irrational fear of stairs or slopes and CNN recently speculated that perhaps Donald Trump suffers from the affliction. Obviously he must resign immediately. We can’t have the leader of the free world frightened to take the stairs if the elevators aren’t working.
What do you call fear of fake news I wonder, falsafamaphobia?
SNIP: Dr. Tar, please allow me to interject a few photos 😉
If CNN is worried about Trump holding a guard rail, they should have been freaking out over Hillary’s antics.
– MJA.
while the world burns
They really miss the flamboyant fruit skittering down the stairs with his limp wrist pom pom hands.
It isn’t the stairs he’s wary of, it’s that they are maintained by holdovers from the last administration. Watch your step, Mr. President!
Seriously can’t believe they are picking on him for using the stairs 100% correctly according to all safety guidelines
PDT should goof on the press and sport a pair of those Zeiss Blue glasses for a minute.
I use handrails too. Its nothing to be ashamed of. Everybody has tripped on the stairs at some point.
There he goes again leading by example.
If those assholes live long enough they will also develop a healthy respect of stairs.
BaloneyPhobia. That’s what I fear.
Also a conga line of foam flecked leftist lunatics with nefarious intent scaling the White House fence while secret service give each other people. Or whatever they’re doing. That’s really what I fear.
Each other pedicures is what I typed. Dang it.
Where I worked, if you were seen going up or down stairs without holding on to the rail, you’d be written up for a safety violation.
Too bad Hildabeast isn’t presidents, then we could watch her pass out and roll down the jetway.
I recommend all 70 year olds to use a hand rail. Except Hilary of course, let her fall.
Airstairs I mean, there usually aren’t any stairs in jetways.
IT IS PAST TIME to roll up the CNN zealots and burn them en masse…we are done!….Fcuk them where they breathe.. Start with McStain…
When you’re Tall, the stairs are very far from your eyes & chances are your’e
dealing with nerve pain of some type. Add Trumps age and I’d say he’s kicking Ass.
Dumb shi!! Look at President Trump’s tie! The damn wind was blowing so hard that he was probably advised to use the hand rail. CNN needs to be put out of its misery!
The certainly miss My Little Pony prancing down the stairs…….
I’ve fell down the stairs twice, I use
a rail, and I’m only in my fitties…..
fell down the stairs at 14, broke my back…faded in and out of consciousness for three hours paralyzed before somebody came home….laid on a board for six weeks…..i hold on to the rail, most of the time put both feet on each step….don’t get behind me on the stairs….. 🙂
This claim might be plausible but I don’t think Trump is really afraid of climbing down the stairs, especially when you take into consideration the fact that he had to climb a whole bunch of stairs without a handrail in order to be inaugurated.