A Different Kind Of Russian Probe To Crash Soon – IOTW Report

A Different Kind Of Russian Probe To Crash Soon

Kosmos 482 was launched from the Soviet Union 42 years ago on a mission to Venus. The rocket that was suppose to boost the probe out of earth orbit failed, leaving the heavy-duty probe circling overhead ever since.

Space watchers have predicted it will fall to earth sometime between 2023 and 2025, but recent recalculations say it may come down as early as this year. Designed to survive the harsh Venusian atmosphere, the more than 1,000 lb. probe is expected to remain intact as it streaks towards earth making quite an impression if it happens strike land. More

21 Comments on A Different Kind Of Russian Probe To Crash Soon

  1. the probe falling is opposite of crash and burn.. . Burn then crash.

    wait, that works with the witch hunt too. All those lovely democrats burning with hate and crashing.

  2. Hey! One of you calculators! Figure out the dent that thing will make if, as stated, it doesn’t burn up…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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