A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to The Global Warming – IOTW Report

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to The Global Warming

Dave A says:

Have you noticed the similarities in the way “science” is (ab)used with covid and climate change? Almost leads me to think something bigger is going on.
Dr. Rich Swier exposes the deception NOAA and the media are perpetrating; adjusting data and ignoring the more recent trend.


1) 2021 ‘hottest year’ BUST: NASA GISS, UK Met Office, RSS, UAH, all show global temps declining since 2016 – 2021 an ‘imperceptible 0.134C warmer than the 30-year average’

2) ‘Unprecedentedly few’: ‘2021 had the fewest global hurricanes in the satellite era’ & 2nd fewest strong hurricanes since 1980

Bjorn Lomborg: “Hurricanes in 2021 were unprecedented — as in unprecedentedly few. Globally, 2021 had the fewest hurricanes ever in the satellite era (1980-2021). Globally, 2021 had some of the fewest strong hurricanes in the satellite era (1980-2021). With 16 strong (Cat 3+) hurricanes, 2021 was the second-lowest strong hurricane year since 1980. Globally, 2021 was a weak hurricane year. When measured by total energy (Accumulated Cyclone Energy), 2021 was the 9th weakest year. Did you see that reported anywhere?

Hurricanes in 2021 were weak and exceptionally few. But we heard lots about North Atlantic hurricanes. Conveniently, North Atlantic is the only basin where hurricanes are stronger. Does this leave us well-informed?. But we hear lots about names storms (hurricanes + weaker storms). Ever-easier to detect, so numbers keep climbing (4 of 2020s 30 named storms wouldn’t have been named in 2000!). Not as relevant, but hey, scary numbers.”

3) Climate change is racist!?

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26 Comments on A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to The Global Warming

  1. Climate change is a long con. It is such a long con that ultimately the current marks die and new ones are born before the final act. In fact, there is no final act, the taking of the loot is occurring daily and is the objective, along, of course, with power. The problem with this particular con is the threat if not followed: the world is going to end. Once the marks internalize this threat they become less and less useful to extract loot and power from, because they become enervated and quit producing. After all, why go to work if the world is going to end in a few years and further, why produce goods if that production hastens the inevitable end of everything?

  2. Of course the consistently ridiculous part is that they insist on Science!!!
    But when you try to discuss science they dismiss or ignore you. To them, Science!!! is just something they can say that makes everything true that they want to be true.
    For example, they still insist that this year (regardless of year) hurricanes are worse than evar!!! Except they aren’t, as science proves.

  3. If there were ANY honesty or a lick of sincerity on the side of the progressive movement this would be something to celebrate. There isn’t a smidgen of honesty or even a hint of sincerity and this will be suppressed.

  4. Didja ever notice that the same liars who tell us that Inflation is good, the country is based on White supremacy and systemic racism, Conservatives are domestic terrorists, Afghanistan was executed perfectly, our hospitals are over-loaded with COVID victims, the open Southern border is not a crisis, the supply chain is fixed, Joe Biden has over-performed, our burning cities are “mostly peaceful protests” are the same ones pushing Global Warming?
    How the fcuk do these flaming assholes have ANY credibility???

  5. All Bullshit; All the Time.
    Government, Media, and Academia – an incestuous triumvirate of liars and thieves.
    You cannot believe a single thing that is vomited out of any of them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We had the fewest hurricanes ever in the satellite era

    We also had the longest run of no sun spot activity. Could it be that the sun is directly responsible for the weather patterns here on Earth?

  7. General Malaise –
    To most people it’s called brain washing, but I maintain it is more than that. When it targets the children it is far more insidious! It is a method of irreparably corrupting the young mind so that it is difficult if not impossible to get a competent engineer, chemist, scientist or even a productive citizen out of the process!
    Those methods include:
    * Common Core Math
    * Teaching Transvestites
    * Introducing the concept of “Gender Fluid”
    * Promoting Transgenders and Gender re-assignment.
    * Climate Change brainwashing

    Feel free to add more. The point is we are fighting a dangerous enemy and half the nation is sleep-walking thru it… at the expense of our children!!


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