A History Lesson From Donald Trump – IOTW Report

A History Lesson From Donald Trump

Yesterday, at a rally in South Carolina, Donald Trump shared a story he read somewhere about how General “Black Jack” Pershing handled the Muslim insurgency in The Philippines.

 The tale is unsubstantiated…

bjp-42-yearsYou can expect leftist media is going to have a field day with this, but I doubt it will cost him any votes.


Urban Legends


11 Comments on A History Lesson From Donald Trump

  1. Trump reminds me of Alex Jones:

    Mixing truth with sensationalism; but mixing just enough truth to allow emotion and personal vanity to win out over common sense.

    Trump is a misleading entity.

    My prediction: Trump will win the presidency and things will be great for about two years – then the shit will hit the fan and there will be a huge wall keeping everyone from escaping.

    Remember that I said it here first.

  2. It’s unbecoming a man seeking the highest office in the nation.

    Not just go out of his way to seem extreme in his desire to hurt Muslim terrorist, but to use a tall tale like this to boot.

    Just simply state, water boarding and other means of gathering information on foreign terrorist is not disqualified.

  3. ….& this is supposed to give us heartburn…….how?

    I mean, I can see how it will get progressive/metrosexuals & establishment-types panties in a wad … but to anyone else that is concerned about our nation’s security will be ok w/ it

  4. “then the shit will hit the fan and there will be a huge wall keeping everyone from escaping.”

    LOL. Shit disturber. I heard he’s building walls around hospitals to keep out the freedom seeking uninsured.

  5. “Unsubstantiated” is not the same as “not true”. I have heard this story many times since I was about 10. (Early 1960’s). Again in high school history class, and from my brother in law (an ex-history teacher). Many legends are true but can’t be proven and some are not true. From everything else I have read about Pershing, this story fits his character. So I believe it to be true.

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