A Hot Take LA Doesn’t Need to Hear Right Now – IOTW Report

A Hot Take LA Doesn’t Need to Hear Right Now


It wasn’t funny if this was meant as a joke, especially now that Los Angeles County is likely experiencing the costliest wildfire in American history. During a commercial break for the show ‘9-1-1’ on Fox, LAFD Assistant Chief Kristine Larson did a media spot to increase diversity in emergency services. The LAFD has been criticized for spending an inordinate amount of time on DEI initiatives and less on vital aspects of training, like stopping wildfires. More 

15 Comments on A Hot Take LA Doesn’t Need to Hear Right Now

  1. Please stop the reporting of “most expensive” (this or any disaster) as this is a perpetually increasing number. Historical references to acres, percentage of buildings, percentages of population are more informational.

    I get the distinct impression of schedenfreud with the current media’s gleeful reporting on “million dollar homes” destroyed.

  2. I’m sorry, but the CaliCommies got exactly what they voted for. As a tax paying citizen of a fairly responsible state, I don’t think I should be forced to pay for those left-coast virtue signalers’ losses. F*ck them and their holier-than-me attitude. They should live with the consequences of their own decisions.

  3. How much do you think she weighs on the hoof. I’m going to guess about 320. They’ll need to haul her out with a crane. If she had the stamina to walk into the flames in the first place.

  4. Good news. James Woods house survived after all. Hardest hit, Keith Olbermann. You should read what that piece of shit wrote about Woods losing his home. The guys a total angry little asshole.

  5. The whole world saw what the Left and Jackass Joe were all about for the past four years. The whole world can also see California is little more than the rotton core of the Commie Carbunckle infection known as Progressive politics in this country!

  6. Hi guys,

    Remember back, way back when I posted that “progressives” are not in ant way, shape or form well intended? that they are malevolent pricks, who think that cute, funny and/or smart to deliberately, systematically and gratuitously set out to destroy what others create?

    You might also remember that I got a lot of pushback. Look, I lived it, in my own home as well as in the greater community I have lived in for over five decades. The despicable motherfuckers think this shit is cute, smart and/or funny to rub the poor slobs who suffer under their malicious, maladjusted acts nose in what they have done.

    I can 100% guarandamntee you that that kind of pathological stunt was deliberate, was premeditated and there was nothing accidental about shoving it in their victim’s faces by broadcasting it. 100%, without the shadow of any doubt whatsoever it was intentional.

    It is so consistent with what they do as a normal normal everyday part of their lives that it would only be news to me if they had not done it.

  7. JDHasty

    That’s why I wrote what I did above. My light went on about these freaks about 5 years ago. It’s almost a form of desperation. But bottom line is they can’t help but get in your face. Because damn it, they’re right and fuck you. I am Lezbo hear me roar.

  8. @ Syka Blyat Friday, 10 January 2025, 20:03 at 8:03 pm

    What they have done goes WAY beyond gross negligence. It without any doubt goes beyond simple criminal negligence. What it is is gross criminal negligence, if not an outright criminal act.

    A person is criminally negligent or acts with criminal negligence when he or she fails to be aware of a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her failure to be aware of such substantial risk constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation.

    There are a number of criminal offenses where being “criminally negligent” in doing the thing is sufficient, for example mistreatment of a child or manslaughter. First degree murder requires “premeditated intent to cause the death of another person” which does not does not include “criminal negligence” (there is a separate clause about “under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life” which is different from criminal negligence).

  9. Recently, a local sheriff’s deputy made the news by saving the lives of two young children by literally ripping the air-conditioner out of the window of their bedroom with his bare hands. They were trapped inside with no other means of escape when their house was being consumed by fire. The mother of the children was outside screaming that her children were going to burn alive when the cops arrived. He said during the interview that he didn’t know where he got the strength to do what he did. He received burns to his hands but will recover. A female cop who weighed 115 pounds and stood 5′ 1″ could not have managed that task and the children would have burned. Last week, in the very same county, a twenty-four-year-old female sheriff’s deputy who fit that very description died in a wreck when she slammed her car into an 18-wheeler in the fog. Ironically, she left two young children of her own behind.

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