A list of male athletes that were failures until they competed as women – IOTW Report

A list of male athletes that were failures until they competed as women

Let’s stipulate that it is empathy that is the driving force that compels people to go along with the charade that men can simply wish themselves into being women.

People are just so damn fragile, they cannot witness a broken man, weeping, miserable, and suicidal because he wants to be a woman. The only way to make things right is to collectively agree that, “yes, Hank, you are a woman. Oh, it’s Hannah now? Sorry. It’s just that you look like a Han… Hannah.”

So virtuous. Right? Such a good person to have such empathy.

But, these same people, these nobler than noble enlightened, sensitive people, can look at a biological woman’s dreams crushed as she watches a set of testicles wobbling in track shorts pass her by to the finish line, snapping hopes of scholarship, excellence in her field, gold medals, notoriety and accomplishment.

They will say that they shouldn’t focus so much on winning, as they drape the gold medal around some melon-sized head atop a tree trunk neck. It seems important for these dudes to win. So much so that I suspect body dysmorphia is not their condition, but it’s a psychotic need to win at all costs.

Here’s a list of chumps who became champs-

The Critic-

Petrillo’s motto is “Better a slow, happy woman than a fast unhappy man” — a nice bit of personal motivation that may have contributed to the athlete winning three gold medals at the Women’s Italian Paralympic Athletics Championships in just 24 hours.

Then there’s the record breakers. Mary Gregory transitioned as an adult, took up professional women’s weightlifting and, at Gregory’s first tournament, won all nine events at the 100 per cent Raw Weightlifting Federation competition, breaking four world records in the process. (The records were later rescinded).

Or Tiffany Abreu, a volleyball player in Brazil’s men’s Superliga A & B divisions before transitioning in 2018. Abreu then broke Brazil’s women’s Superliga’s single-game scoring record against a team that contained three Olympic gold medalists.

Terry Miller broke the girls’ state indoor record in the 55 metres dash at the Connecticut Open Indoor Track Championships in 2019, one year after Miller “identified as female”. Second place in the event went to Andraya Yearwood, who is also male. As is JayCee Cooper, who set the women’s bench press record while becoming the USPA Minnesota Women’s State champion in 2019.

Or, Mara Gómez who spent years journeying through the amateur leagues of Argentinian men’s football, but signed a contract with Villa San Carlos in the professionalised women’s Primera División after transitioning.

It is impossible to escape the conclusion that mediocre men thrive in women’s sports. Remember, every male who competes in women’s professional sport is stealing the place — and potentially, victories — from women.

For example, golfer Hailey Davidson won nothing in the men’s category but, after transitioning, became the first male to win a women’s professional golf tournament earlier this year.

Jessica Platt failed to make it as a professional ice hockey player, then transitioned, and is now a professional women’s ice hockey player.

Much more HERE

23 Comments on A list of male athletes that were failures until they competed as women

  1. I say fine but the dick has gotta go. Let’s see how many stand up for that(see what I did there?).

    I know for a fact, mine would strangle me in my sleep if that was under consideration.

  2. Ok woke world now is the time to force equity in all sports amateur and professional! Teams should be made up based on the statistical mixture of society with equal numbers on a team as represented by their % in society, i.e., age, sex, race, etc! Go Team!

  3. It won’t be long until a shemale breaks the 4 minute mile.
    It will be a dude like it has always only been dudes who can go sub 4.
    When it happens I want to see how much hype from the press?
    Will “she” be paid millions from a shoe company?
    In 20 years when an actual biological female pulls it off, where will she go to get her deserved but vacant acclaim of being first like Roger Bannister?
    Just wait…

  4. For all these years I held the belief that Leslie Jones was the ugliest woman on the planet, but Laurel Hubbard wins the gold medal, supplanting the Ghostbuster hag.

    Always eager to recognize/congratulate achievement, I am always amazed at the alacrity at which progressives can craft a narrative, then turn that narrative on it’s head to further an agenda. For 60 years we have been told that the left is the party of women’s lib, women’s empowerment, yet when events unfold to upend that apple cart, they can pivot on a dime, catch every apple before it hits the ground then gaslight you into doubting what you saw with your own eyes. Defending Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein,Justin Fairfax, and President sippycup, going after every woman with an “R” attached, and now, shitting on every female athlete that dared to dream and worked hard to fulfill that dream, they have taught us that all females are not created equal or deserving of a place at their table.

  5. How do these fuckers live with themselves? You can’t place in the top 5 against your own gender, so lo and behold you change genders and win every event to come your way. Do you really feel like a winner now, asshole?

  6. I am not willing to concede that it is empathy that is the driving force that compels people to go along with the charade that men can simply wish themselves into being women.

    In my estimation it is far more often than not diabolical narcissism that is the motivating force. These individuals envy God and think they are “knocking God down a peg” with these moves.

    I have sat and listened to their rhetoric for five decades and empathy and compassion are not what they are motivated by. They are into projecting the perception that they are the Queen of Empathy and embodiment of compassion to paint themselves as The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  7. @ Chuckie JULY 14, 2021 AT 10:57 AM
    How do these fuckers live with themselves?

    They dirty little “secret” is they can’t. Yet another study documenting the incidence rate of followers of the progressive movement suffer huge increases in mental illness over every other population. And they know it, this is printed in one of their own online magazines.

    It should come as no surprise that a population that is totally invested in envy and resentment ends up with more than half of them clinically diagnosed as being as fucked up as a football bat. Double the rate of clinical depression than among those who are content to mind their own Goddamned business and leave other people alone.

    Irrespective of any other explanation, the root cause of their misery is having bought into the notion that envy is not only not a cardinal sin, but is in fact a cardinal, in fact the highest, virtue. I have observed the bastards for decades and to an individual I have no experience with a single one that was not motivated by envy to the point that it was the primary motivating impulse in their miserable pathetic lives. I can not recollect a damnable one that this was not the case.


  8. First of all there are no such thing as transgenders, they are people with severe mental problems. This is a lot like the worst heavy weight boxes complaining that they identify as flyweight boxers and destroying the competition. The people that sanction this foolishness are hateful and have no respect for women.

  9. All these men should still be called men and their male names used.
    They will never be females. Their genetics makes that impossible.
    They are losers who watched “The Ringer” so many times they thought it would be a good idea to pretend to be someone they aren’t so they can have some trophies.

  10. Until someone can show me women’s rights organizations standing up forcefully to this, then I don’t give a shit. To me, they’re just reinforcing an idea that men are better at everything– including being women.

  11. My two daughters played sports in high school, one was chosen to be on the ‘state all star’ team for softball. The other went on to become the most successful volleyball coach in Florida.
    My two granddaughters were awarded ‘full ride’ in college for their sports ability.
    To think that a man could put on a dress and better them, steal their ‘glory’ and honors is sickening.

  12. @ MAF JULY 14, 2021 AT 11:10 AM

    “First of all there are no such thing as transgenders, they are people with severe mental problems.”

    I have posted here before that I have become friends with two individuals who are “transgendered.” Neither of them seek or want attention. Both have been nothing short of appalled at others using their mental health condition to advance a political agenda. Both remarked that if anything has brought shame on them it is this exploitation of their mental condition. Fact of the matter is the subject was never brought up until they brought it up w/in the last few years. Both recognize that they have a severe psychological problem. One who passed away lived from the 1980’s until last year as a woman and the other likewise, although I am not sure for how much longer than the 25 years I have known them.

    I met them through a common interest in hunting and firearms. One granted me access to property to hunt on and the other is a member, an active and welcomed member, of our gun club.

    They are people who just want to live their lives and pursue their interests in peace. Neither would force acceptance of how they chose to deal with their psychological condition on others or seek to exploit it for notoriety or shock value.

  13. Part of my issue is why we let this particular group of inmates run the asylum. if a person claims to be Napoleon do we have to give the a castle in France? Why is this persons delusion any less than the gender dysphoric.
    I don’t really care how nice they are they don’t get to dictate others behavior. That doesn’t mean we should be mean or nasty to them or not try to get them help. But we don’t have to encourage the delusions. Especially to children.

  14. Thank you for posting the names of these people, Fur. Thank you.

    People are often fond of quoting: ““The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

    I can’t find it right now (Supernightshade will know it), but if we call ourselves Christians, we are more than apathetic when we allow these liars and their lies to go unchallenged; we are complicit. So, thank you, Fur.

    Keep publicly calling out these liars and their lies. Everyone is disgusted by stolen valor, they should be just as disgusted by the hard work, dedication and sacrifice of young women who have their potential stolen by men who are, at base, cowards and cheaters.

  15. @AbigailAdams, the following is great scripture for a Christian response to the world’s coruption/sin;

    Ephesians 5:8-14
    8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

    9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),

    10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.

    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

    12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

    13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

    14 Therefore He says:

    “Awake, you who sleep,
    Arise from the dead,
    And Christ will give you light.”

    Also, there are many examples in the Holy Bible of what happens when corruption/sin is ignored by those who are suppose to serve God.


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