Last week’s hearing heard how a man in an all-black gimp suit had terrified two female motorists in May this year in Bleadon, near Weston-super-Mare.
It was the latest in a series of incidents where a man in skin-tight dark clothing was seen writhing on the ground and stepping out in front of cars in remote locations across Somerset since 2018.

The court previously heard that witnesses to an incident in October last year said they saw a man wearing a gimp suit who grabbed his penis over the top of his clothing and also “gyrated against the floor”.
Lawrence Wilcox, representing Avon and Somerset Police, told the hearing that Hunt had been linked to 25 incidents in total.
“The evidence of the earlier incidents is based upon intelligence reports and the latter reports is more specific,” he said.
“But, we say, if the court is satisfied that the intelligence of the earlier incidents were of a sexual nature and committed by the defendant; there is material within that bundle that relates to that of a sexual nature and the acceptance of necessity.”
Bring out the gimp.
I betcha that his nickname is “Snake.” And what the hell is a gimp suit? He doesn’t look like he has a gimpy leg slithering around on the ground pretending to be a snake. Is there a special zoo for freaks they can take this snaky bastard to.
Stepping in front of cars? I’m amazed no one has run him over. “He startled me and my foot hit the accelerator. By accident.”
He should try that in front of the Python hunters
Thump Thump
How are they going to enforce a 5-year ban on this freak pretending to be a snake? Are they going to hire a professional snake handler to keep their eyes on this freak to make sure he doesn’t keep pretending that he’s a snake? He’s more of a candidate for a stait jacket inside a rubber room in an insane asylum.