It’s satire, I guess. I don’t know, it’s hard to tell with the Democrats.
It’s satire, I guess. I don’t know, it’s hard to tell with the Democrats.
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It must be true, it’s on the internet that Al Gore invented! 🙂
I believe onmessageforhillary is a conservativepundit project.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Sounds like Chris Matthews and Chris Hayes-Madcow are on the case: The Hardly Boys. ‘Rats and Iranians kicking up dust as they whine about getting caught.
Taking Their Complaint To The IAEA. Have fun.
HEIL Hitlary! The queen has spoken, keep the peons in the dark. I guess it perfectly illustrates that lib bots only absorb what the leaders want them to speak.
Uncle Al has a prediction, and it isn’t a nice one. The Dead-eye PR team will be going into hyperdrive some time between midnight Tuesday and 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. At 4:30, the propaganda is scheduled to start with family members of mass shootings, so there has to be something big before that.
Here’s my chilling prediction. There will be a mass shooting event, probably in Philadelphia, targeting Dem party officials or supporters. There will be a significant number of casualties, killed or wounded. The perp will either suicide or be killed by security/police. The reports about the shooter will suggest (but not come right out and state) that he was a right-wing / conservative / Republican ideologue, radicalized by the Trump campaign.
While not a prediction, I have to blurt out a fantasy that keeps coming to mind, and it’s a remake of the Manchurian Candidate, with the bloody body of the vulnerable and unreliable H. R. Clinton in the arms of a Dem/Prog savior, maybe even Timmy K.
I really, really, really hope I’m wrong…even more full of shit than usual.
But consider: what could possibly be better for the Dems at this moment when their whole campaign is disintegrating as the result of self-inflicted wounds?
The woman who deleted 30,000 e-mails to avoid Freedom of Info Act scrutiny (30K e-mails on Chelsea’s wedding and Yoga ?), we’re supposed to believe her team on this “internal investigation” ???
DNC…delete your account
“We are the fox, guarding the henhouse. Nothing to see here, move along. We’ll let you know what we think you should be allowed to know.”
Uncle Al, yeah, you’re wrong because the Dems don’t think (I know..) that their whole campaign is disintegrating.