A Month and a Half Ago Cruz Said This About a Brokered Convention – IOTW Report

A Month and a Half Ago Cruz Said This About a Brokered Convention

102 Comments on A Month and a Half Ago Cruz Said This About a Brokered Convention

  1. I’m missing your point, if you have one. I hate the idea of a brokered convention, but I understand the need for a contested convention. If nobody gets the 1,237 majority, the delegates need to come to a consensus. Are you suggesting that we nominate a candidate on a plurality? Really, what is the point here?

  2. What’s the news here? Cruz said that he doesn’t like the idea of establishment GOP inserting their own candidate.

    Otherwise, a month and a half ago Cruz was still running for 1237 as a candidate. What the hell is he supposed to say at that point?

  3. Texas Primary
    Ted Cruz 43.8%
    Donald Trump 26.7%

    NY Primary
    Donald Trump 60%
    Ted Cruz 15%

    Florida Primary
    Donald Trump 45.7%
    Marco Rubio 27%
    Ted Cruz 17.1%

    Time to #DropOutCruz

  4. Donald Trump knocked out 14 opponents.
    2 more are knocked out but don’t realize it yet.

    For the good of the country drop out, unite the party and beat Hillary. #Trump2016

  5. Oh, but Trump hires the “best” people. He just hired a bunch that told the AP that he has been putting on an act all along, and now he will pander to the left.


  6. It’s no wonder he wanted to bury that NY Times talk. But he just did it again with the AP, they have tape, and they are already starting to report on it.


  7. I went and watched the entire interview. This was in response to the Rmoney speech when speculation was that the GOP was going to parachute in Mitt to be the nominee in a “brokered” convention, not an “open” or “contested” convention. Context is everything. This is a nothing burger.

    BTW, let’s look back to when we had 17 candidates. Who do you think the Rand Paul voters would support now? The Fiorina supporters? The Rubio supporters? The Carson supporters? The Jindal supporters? the Walker supporters? The Perry supporters? The Huckabee supporters?

    Can you people not realize the need to have a nominee that wins a majority over a plurality?

  8. “When he’s out on the stage, when he’s talking about the kinds of things he’s talking about on the stump, he’s projecting an image that’s for that purpose,” Manafort said in a private briefing.

    “You’ll start to see more depth of the person, the real person. You’ll see a real different guy,” he said.


  9. (BTW, Paul Manafort is Trump’s newly hired senior aide)

    “He gets it,” Manafort said of Trump’s need to moderate his personality. “The part that he’s been playing is evolving into the part that now you’ve been expecting, but he wasn’t ready for, because he had first to complete the first phase. The negatives will come down. The image is going to change.”


  10. Meerkat, I get you don’t like Trump. I don’t like Cruz. Face it, he’s a weak sister and unelectable at class president level. The dudes a freak. Let’s both start hammering on our closest GOP rep to consider Rand Paul as the candidate for the third or fourth ballot. Wada you say? Common ground. Rand is the only true constitutional conservative that ran.

  11. Brad,

    I am a conservative. Cruz speaks to my heart. However when he does it it that preachy-speechy way it makes me yell, “Cut it out!”

    It would be nice if he had a deeper voice.

    Also, it would be nice if he had Marco Rubio’s looks or even better, the tall and strong faced Reagan look.

    But if his weaknesses are his voice, his appearance, and his intonation then I side with his HEART. Because it is where mine is and I want people to know where my heart is despite my great looks, awesome voice, and ability to get a point across without sounding “preachy”.

  12. I’ve presented an alternative above that would satisfy all constitutional conservatives. Read it. Let’s stop fighting and come together on a candidate we can all agree on.

  13. “The message, delivered behind closed doors in a private briefing, is part of the campaign’s intensifying effort to convince party leaders Trump will moderate his tone in the coming months to help deliver big electoral gains this fall, despite his contentious ways.”

    Trump will come out as unequivocally pro abortion, pro amnesty and anit border wall before this is over. Bet me.

  14. That’s fucking awesome Meerkat. Except for the fact that 75% of the electrate will view this guy as a Fucking Freak. Absolution of God, laying on of hands, Glen fucking Beck. He can’t win. He’s a DFL. So your sanctimonious ass can continue to destroy America or get behind my plan. Rand Paul. A true conservative. What do we have to lose?

  15. Brad,

    Also, concerning the Rand Paul/Libertarian view vs. the Ted Cruz/Conservative view, Thomas Sowell I think once said, “There are no absolute solutions, only trade-offs”. I think that is the difference between these factions.


  16. Grool, I’ll vote for Rand Paul. I will not waste my vote on a loser. And Ted Cruz is a loser in the general. No question. Paul has all the young people behind him. He would suck in the Bernie vote. It’s the logical move.

  17. OK, I got Menderman signed up. Ex Military and current military are all in for Rand Paul. He’s not a damned attorney, he gives back to the community and he knows the constitution better than anyone that has run. Start writing you Republican Reps. I am. Let’s come together on this.

  18. Paul would lose to Clinton. So would Trump, at this rate. Cruz probably would. Even now, knowing that literally *everything* is at stake, libertarians and conservatives have no common candidate they will ever agree to unite around in sufficient numbers…not even in the face of a stalinist regime. But leftists and the stupid will get in line eventually behind whoever they’re told to.

    Plus, the massive vote fraud is now routine. We already see it happening to Sanders. Just wait until it starts happening to those who know they pulled R but show as D. Or show R but won’t know it went D anyway.

    Sorry, this is all theater. It’s already locked up.

  19. Brad,

    “That’s fucking awesome Meerkat. Except for the fact that 75% of the electrate will view this guy as a Fucking Freak. Absolution of God, laying on of hands, Glen fucking Beck. He can’t win. He’s a DFL. So your sanctimonious ass can continue to destroy America”

    You forgot about Reagan in 1979. They said the same types of things.

  20. Start the petition Brad, I’ll sign on! In an election year like this, anything goes, and it is quite clear that if either Cruz or Trump gets the nomination, Hiliary wins.

    Let’s use a white parachute and drop the good Doctor in!

    Rand 2016!

    @joe6pak, I need a new truck magnet!

  21. This Fall it will be a contest between two hated, demonized, politicians that are out for their own gain.

    Yes, Trump is a politician.
    Don’t kid yourselves kiddies.

    Can he win?
    I doubt it.
    He has screwed the pooch and this country is full of idiots anyway.

    “So bye, bye, Miss American Pie…”

  22. Grool, you’re wrong. Paul would suck in all the Bernie voters. He’s not a religious freak so he will attract Democrats that are looking to get back in the job market. And he should attract Constitutional Conservatives.

  23. Not if he’s pro abortion which, correct me if I’m wrong, Paul is. Many won’t be able to bring themselves to vote for him. Legalized drug use, pro sodomy and other libertarian features will prevent it as well. They won’t because they believe they can’t. Just reporting the fact.

  24. Grool, nope, not counting Trump as a loser. He’s light years more electable than Cruz. But Rand Paul is THE guy we can collectively circle our wagons around. What do we have to lose? Write or call your closest Republican Rep.

  25. a DFL is a democrat farmer labor, brad has outed himself as a Minnesota boy. He should know better, Trump is just another Jessie the ” the body Ventura” without the scruples. Brad you are a fraud.

    Cruz for President 2016

  26. Paul Manafort has that GOPE shit eating grin, Trump is just a democrat with new york values.

    Hillary/Trump no difference and you know it I can hear the fear in your response.

  27. This can’t be a write in. That’s a Dead loser too. Start writing your Republican Reps. I’m passing the word on to the Instagram warrior crew. That won’t take much. What do we have to lose?

  28. Menderman, Come on man, the picture of the jack ass with his weak chin thrust in the air asking for Absolution will lose the election for him alone. He’s alienating Trump fans, and the Libs are saying “what the fuck”. I offer a solution. Check my early posts for this election. Paul was my guy. Again, write, call your local representative. Mine McClintock. He’ll be on speed dial tomorrow.

  29. Meerkat, so I read something stupid about Cruz and drugs. Yea all white noise. So let’s focus on the constructive. Cruz is not electable. Rand Paul is. I’ll vote for Rand Paul. I’ll waste my vote on Cruz. Get with the plan. I know, and you know, I’m right. Write in now.

  30. Meerkat, Defer all you want, but Trump is running much more parallel to Reagan then Cruz. Look it up. I’ve offered a solution. If you think I’m full of shit, fine. If not, write your local people and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

  31. “Trump is running much more parallel to Reagan then Cruz.”

    My friend, to put it nicely, Trump is his own freaking train wreck. He just hired a bunch of wise guys who got recorded by AP. The campaign is a mess. and falling.

    Brad, if you see a stronger link from Reagan to Trump, than Reagan to Cruz, then I just have to say, as a conservative, you are just delusional in my opinion.

  32. NOTE TO #NeverGOPInc

    when you post a video,
    type something
    (like ### or ***)

    That way, the link will appear,
    but not the vid…saving lots of $ for the site.

  33. This has been Cruz’s
    behavior for the last 2-1/2 years!

    * October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.

    * January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.

    * March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.

    * June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniels in Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.

    * July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.

    * December 2014 – Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.

    * Feb/March 2015 – Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested TPP trade deal.

    * April 2015 – Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan

    * May 2015 – Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby ensuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    * June/July 2015 – Votes against his own TPA bill (plausible deniability) even though the rider he created ensures its passage.

  34. Uggghhh. I will vote for whoever the nominee is, regardless. And I’ll do it fully understanding that it is meaningless. No president can change the course of this country. The heart of the culture, the people, has become perverted. Only a spiritual awakening can alter our descent.

    Why do so many here argue so vehemently for “their guy”? Can we all agree that every candidate sucks? A vote for a “republican” is slightly better than a vote for a demonrat. Slightly. By the thinnest of margins.

    This election cannot be over soon enough……..

  35. TO mudjuice

    Please LEARN from
    1) …the McCain and Romney campaigns…
    2) …Einstein’s definition of INSANITY,
    3) …and the Battered Wife Syndrome.

    If the GOP Establishment props up YET ANOTHER candidate whom YOU think is – once again – bound to lose,
    do not feel obligated to vote “PARTY PARTY ÜBER ALLES”. Vote for whom YOU believe can beat Hillary.

  36. Some of us DID learn from the McCain and Romney elections.
    The guy picked by the states that allow Democrats to vote for our guy is the WRONG man for the job.
    This is round 3 of the same insanity.

  37. I’m not being disrespectful. I honestly believe people here are much smarter and more savvy than I am. I learn a lot from you guys.

    My question is…..

    Why do you think voting for someone who can beat Hillary will change anything? What’s the difference between politicians with an R and politicians with a D? And not the idealistic reason. The realistic difference…..

  38. TO mudjuice

    OK, thanks for the clarification. You’re stating in effect the fatalist notion which many libertarians and anarchists carry.

    That’s you prerogative, but then I don’t see why you make posts on political threads other than to say “Give up! All hope is lost!”

    I agree with you insofar as the CURRENT GOP Establishment and Dems are barely different in what they DO…that is part of why I am skeptical of Cruz and lean towards Trump.

    But: to say,”forget about it”?!? NOT FOR ME. I’ll fight with whatever tools are available to me for any particular task at hand, be it the ballot or bullet.

  39. HEY EVERYBODY!! LISTEN TO JohnS’ “logic” [sic]:


    Thanks Sh!tForBrains, I needed a good laugh.

  40. COD

    Not fatalism…..realism.

    I agree with you in one sense. Ballot or bullet. I just wonder if the ballot is broken?

    And, I’m not libertarian or anarchist. I believe in the rule of law. My issue is, who’s law? Man’s?

    Has our nation fallen so far from traditional (Christian) values that electing one godless politician is not much better than electing another godless politician?

    Then again, I might just be in a pessimistic mood today……

  41. TO mudjuice

    Ahh…more background (faith/religion) helps explain the context of your question. Thanks.

    That’s a fair question…I can only offer MY opinions:

    * As far as “godless” politicians go, I am VERY cautious of “religious” politicans. My first image is always ELMER GANTRY.

    * Faith is something for me to guide MYSELF (internal).

    * Politics is an external mechanism/vehicle I choose/accept as a tool to govern over the populace (consent of the governed and all…see James Madison’s quote below)



    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

  42. You make some good points.

    I think religion is man-made, Biblical faith is something else entirely. I not looking for a religious zealot to run for office. Nope.

    I would like someone who fears God, who has a moral and ethical compass. Someone who believes in traditional (read:Biblical) values, such as – don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t murder, etc.

    I’m not looking for an angel with an unblemished past. I’m not looking for someone who agrees with me 100% of the time. I’m looking for someone with values, morals, ethics……..

    Who is that, in the current politicians?

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