A Monument to Nothing – IOTW Report

A Monument to Nothing

Barack Obama unveiled the selected design for his Presidential Library this week. The presentation was short on details of the interiors or views of the proposed structures from other directions. Just this empty pedestal of “tower” and a flat main building  appears to want to crawl back into the ground.

Bill Whittle and his Right Angle team give their opinion Here

Even the LA Times finds it difficult to say anything positive about this design Here

Obama’s monument to futility won’t be part of the National Archive System Here

34 Comments on A Monument to Nothing

  1. That ‘tower’ kind of looks like his brother’s hut back in Kenya. You can take the boy out of Africa, but you can’t take the Afrika out of the boy, I guess…

  2. What, no Greek columns? I don’t see any wind turbines or solar panels either.

    Will there be room for Mooshell’s Victory Garden and will the windows be made with bullet proof glass, after all it is in Chicago?

  3. WE do need to build our own monument to him. So we are constantly reminded to never ever let political correctness allow some jack ass like that to become an elected official at any level of Government.

  4. Paint it blue and it’s a giant jiffy-john capable of accommodating all the world’s transgenders at one time – or the entire US male homosexual population.

  5. It appears to be an African hut, badly in need of repair. The grounds look trashy, but I guess that is the artist’s idea of people.

    Everything already has the stained, unkempt look, which it will have within a year.

  6. Looks like a Mayan Temple…..

    Of course with the donger, it’d be an “I”an Temple

    or a “Me”an Temple….

    why won’t this douchebag auto-erotic asphyxiate already

  7. Illinois is only $10 billion behind on their bills. I’m sure this is a good waste of tax dollars.
    Who wants to bet that the $100 million construction costs will come in at $200 million and a year late? And there will be at least three contractors arrested for mismanagement, or fraud, or something.

  8. “Obamademandsofus

    I met a traveller from an Illinois land,
    Who said—“One large and tapered mound of stone
    Stands in the Chi-town. . . . Near it, on the grass,
    Half sunk a dented visage lies, whose brown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on this lifeless bust,
    The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
    And on its plaque, these words appear:
    My name is Obama, first black prez;
    Look on my Works, oh Trump, and despair!
    No Executive Order remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Library, boundless and bare
    The wretched Chicago wasteland stretches far away.””
    – apologies to Shelley

  9. Will it have a bronze plaque dedicating the marble ‘hut’ to Saul Alinsky (or lucifer!)? And will the mooch do the interior decor–all in oblowme’s fav color taupe (mud/shite)?

    Inquiring minds….

  10. Like everything else about Obama, this thing is both more and less than what it seems. On the outside, ugly and monumental but lacking any inspiring symbolism to draw one in. Inside, just a lot of spaces for others to project themselves into. Overall, heavy and boring. This project will overrun budgets, drag on for years, and no never achieve us purpose. But a lot of pockets will have been luxuriously lined.

  11. Modernized pyramid for the wannabe pharaoh.
    Pharaohs were considered gods and seen as the rulers of the world.
    I wonder if he’ll have the side defaced with a top to ground picture of himself in robes and gold headdress?

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