… and one day we will need to bulldoze them all so in the meantime at least we should stop building the damned things!
PickeringPost: Surveillance of mosques cannot work without the surveillant adopting Jihadi sentiments because meetings where Islamic sanctioned violence is conducted are within closed side rooms off the main mosque hall. Each side room is dedicated to students in varying degrees of radicalisation.
And pretending to be a Jihadi is a risky business without a history of involvement in active Islamic terrorism.
Surveillance of mosques cannot work without the surveillant adopting Jihadi sentiments because meetings where Islamic sanctioned violence is conducted are within closed side rooms off the main mosque hall. Each side room is dedicated to students in varying degrees of radicalisation.
And pretending to be a Jihadi is a risky business without a history of involvement in active Islamic terrorism.
Hillary Obama (or Barack Clinton) and the Loopy Left insist Orlando was yet another lone wolf attack, that’s to divert the blame from Islam in general, but there is not, and never has been, such a thing as a lone wolf Jihadist.
Perpetrators of Islamic terrorism rarely have an IQ above their boot size and are incapable of carrying out sophisticated attacks in isolation. They crave and require communal support in the face of their own imminent martyred death.
It won’t happen until the Western World is in an all out war with Islam. Perhaps after the Iranians and Israel nuke it out. It will take a civil war in the UK or France to wake the world up to the real threat from Islam to the Western Democracies.
The Serbs knew what they were doing.
Reuters had an article yesterday about the asinine “lone wolf” propaganda that comes of the White Hut.
Obama thinks it doesn’t matter to define your enemy in proper terms. You can’t have surveillance on every Mosque and Muslim. Even when they do get flagged, like this asshole at least TWICE, we end up clearing them for fear of violating their rights.
Sadly we lost already with this mentality and protocol. We are just shuffling chairs around until everyone else catches up.
No wonder we have Obama spreading section 8 housing out to the suburbs and exurbs. There is not going to be any place to go to live away from this.
Phillip Haney – original DHS member – was on TV last night discussing how he watched as Obama admin came in and deleted 66 documented ties of Muslim extremist groups developed over 7 years.
He is certain that had that not been done, the San Bernardino and Orlando attacks would have been prevented. The mosques are linked through a known terror promoting Islamic group. WND has an article about this. His book is “See Something, Say Nothing”.
You should also be aware that the Muslim Brotherhood (Huma Abedin et al) and CAIR hand pick the Imams who come to mosques here. 4 studies have found that 80% preach Sharia law and terror. Obama pretends these American Muslims are radicalized via the internet to obscure the fact that they are home grown in the mosques.
This morning on GMA Lil’ Georgie aired a piece by Brian Ross dutifully trying to claim the shooting had nothing to do with ISIS or islam. See here:
Immediately following that drivel, Lil’ Georgie had Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner live in the studio to back up Ross. It didn’t go well for Lil’ Georgie! See here:
No matter how the left wants to spin it, we are at war with Islam.
The left is at war with Christianity. They view Islam as their ally,
The bulldozing should have begun at dawn the morning of 9/12/2001.
Sadly this is only going to end up with our 2nd amendment rights further curtailed.
The uniparty says the government needs to be allowed to create secret lists, and anyone on those lists are to be deprived of their constitutional rights.
Both Punch and Judy are on board, Punch is in negotiations with the NRA over it. I doubt they will yield, or that he will.
There is no due process, there is not even a way to get your name removed from the lists, just ask people who can’t fly because their name is the same as someone on the list. Recently that happened to an 8 year old boy.
The Mosques will stand.
Our rights will fall.
Why do these politicians , media, celebrities, academies and all the rest of the Islam defenders think they will be spared from the atrocities if Islam takes over here? Do they think they will not have to suffer the same fate as the rest of us? It’s beyond comprehension
Menderman – that second video was epic. Georgie was spinning as fast as he could, but bravo to the good doctor for not letting him and for insisting on getting his point across.