A Murder of Crows, a Gaggle of Geese, a __________ of Democrats – IOTW Report

A Murder of Crows, a Gaggle of Geese, a __________ of Democrats

PHenry wants to know…. is there a word?


203 Comments on A Murder of Crows, a Gaggle of Geese, a __________ of Democrats

  1. Looks like Wikipedia beat us to it

    Empire – constituting the whole area of the Klans activities. This was led by the Grand Wizard and his staff of ten Genii, as well as a Grand Exchequer (treasurer) and Grand Scribe, whose duty was to keep lists of the subordinate officers. The Genii, Imperial Exchequer and Scribe were appointed by the Imperial Wizard.[4]
    Realms – while the role of Realms was laid out in the first prescript they were only identified as states in the second. Realms were ruled by a Grand Dragon assisted by eight Hydras, as well as a Grand Exchequer and Grand Scribe, whose duties were identical to the above officers on the imperial level. All officers were appointed by the Grand Dragon.[5]
    Dominions – identified in the second prescript as “coterminous with such counties as the Grand Dragons of the several Realms shall assign” and “not to exceed three in number for each Congressional district”.[6] The Dominion was headed by a Great Titan assisted by six Furies, a Great Exchequer and a Great Scribe, appointed by the Great Titan.[7]
    Provinces – the second prescript identified the Provinces as equivalent to a county. It was supervised by a Grand Giant, assisted by four Goblins, a Grand Exchequer, a Grand Kook, and a Grand Scribe, appointed by the Grand Giant.[8]

  2. A warrant of Democrats.

    A memo of Democrats.

    A dossier of Democrats.

    A media of Democrats.

    A pantywad of Democrats.

    An hysteria of Democrats.

    A shriek of Democrats.

    A hoax of Democrats.

    A migration of Democrats.

    A daca of Democrats.

  3. A prevarication of Democrats.

    From Latin praevaricationem (nominative praevaricatio) “duplicity, collusion, a stepping out of line (of duty or behavior),” noun of action from past participle stem of praevaricari “to make a sham accusation, deviate,” literally “walk crookedly,” in Church Latin, “to transgress,” from prae “before” (see pre- ) + varicare “to straddle,” from varicus “straddling,” from varus “bowlegged, knock-kneed” (see varus ). Meaning “evasion, quibbling” is attested from 1650s.

  4. It is a “SUICIDE” of demoncrats.

    From being PRO Murder of those who have not even been born yet, to being PRO-euthanasia for those whom they deem to be too old or broke to provide any more slave labor to the State.

    Even their political ideas are suicidal, the world has seen the horrific planned murders of not only competing nations but even the orderly elimination of millions of their own citizens because they oppose their power or even if they just get in the way (see Ukrainian farmers).

    Their economic ideas are even worse than their political philosophy. Communism and it’s disguised little brother socialism have resulted in more suffering and starvation than natural events such as drought and petulance.

    Truly, a suicide of demoncrats are harbingers of something wicked this way comes…

    MSG Grumpy

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