Wisconsin House Bill Demands Corrupt Officials Repay From Their Pension – IOTW Report

Wisconsin House Bill Demands Corrupt Officials Repay From Their Pension

Three years after a pair of local officials in Eau Claire, WI were sentenced for embezzling half a million dollars from the county, state law makers introduced a bill in Madison that would allow judges to “withhold” payments into the pension of those government employees caught stealing from their voters. More

7 Comments on Wisconsin House Bill Demands Corrupt Officials Repay From Their Pension


    I thought of this years ago. Police officers should have automatic deductions for when there is misconduct in the line of duty, part of the settlement the city has to pay is pulled from their personal pay via a corruption insurance fund. If they retire, and no pending court cases or investigations are on the docket, they can receive their back pay with interest, as a reward for not being corrupt (or at least not getting caught).

    Our public workers are so unaccountable, there needs to be a system in place to get SOME restitution when they fly off the handle and start beating, kicking, or ripping us off.

  2. Thanks to the voters of WI who voted a demented teacher’s union hack Governor, this has zero chance of becoming law. If they’re not careful he’ll use Wisconsin’s famous “Frankenstein veto” to do the opposite and pay them.

    OTOH, Evers apparently doesn’t have a very good command of English vocabulary, so he might have a hard time doing that: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/apr/30/tony-evers-wisconsin-governor-calls-donald-trump-a/


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