A Pic of the Exact Second DJT Was Announced the Winner of the Nation’s Presidency – IOTW Report

A Pic of the Exact Second DJT Was Announced the Winner of the Nation’s Presidency

I like everything about this picture… except that side eye from the kid on the left!

No, seriously. Trump looks like he’s saying, “I told you I had this.”


26 Comments on A Pic of the Exact Second DJT Was Announced the Winner of the Nation’s Presidency

  1. I work nights and once home, I remember flipping channels in amazement at the visible mass histrionics and discombobulation of the elites and their whiny, idiotic, formerly enthusiastic subjects as they began to realize things were not as they expected…..and then came the money shot. It was a thing of beauty.

  2. Donald Trump and Obama ended up in the same barber shop.
    Each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken.
    The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics.

    As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Obama in his chair reached for the aftershave.
    Obama was quick to stop him saying, “No thanks, my wife Michelle will smell that and think I’ve been in a whorehouse all day.”

    The second barber turned to Trump and said, “How about you sir?”
    Trump replied, “Go ahead; my wife doesn’t know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.”

  3. We had friends over until about 3 in the morning. They left after the Podesta speech when it was apparent that Coward Hillary wouldn’t address her supporters. I recorded about 6 hours across 4 channels from the “this a done deal” to “this is a whitelash against Obama”.

    There is an interesting documentary on Amazon Prime that is free with Prime called 11/8/16 that follows 16 different people over the course of election day. The smug, condescending liberals, illegal aliens, and activists calling everybody misogynistic racists. The hardworking conservatives who only want the country to be a better place. No commentary except for the words of the people being followed.

    Watching those smiles turn to frowns is worth the look.

  4. I have come to love President Trump. That writer can go to hell along with Sloppy Joe and the MSM. I woke up in the night and prayed hard for the President and my friends and our country. It seems practically the whole world is against Trump and still he stands. God is with him. That’s all I need to know.

  5. Sitting in the family room and watching this was one of my most satisfying moments in memory. Flipping thru channels observing the whining and sniveling captured to my best Christmas ever.

  6. Sitting in the family room and watching this was one of my most satisfying moments in memory. Flipping thru channels observing the whining and sniveling compared to my best Christmas ever.

  7. I couldn’t watch. I was so sure the Dems had rigged the election so bad, and with illegal votes we’d be headed for civil war. I turned on the “news” when I got up the next morning and watched with one eye closed until I saw DJT had won, and then I did a happy dance, and it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. I couldn’t stop grinning for days afterwards. And some of the people at work who knew I was a Trump fan were giving me dirty looks all day and wouldn’t peak to me for weeks. I just laughed behind their backs.

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