A Red Wave of Red Notices – IOTW Report

A Red Wave of Red Notices

Trevor Noah set adrift. Salty has the story.

8 Comments on A Red Wave of Red Notices

  1. Satan declared open war on earth when the Lord God Almighty selected PDJT to begin to set things right

    He escalated from a covert operation to an overt one. The “selection’ of an imbecilic open pedophile and a imbeclic whore of Babylon was a gauntlet thrown down in our faces.

    He tried with Hillezelbub to finish us off, but we rejected her because she was an openly vile dragon instead of a “pretty: snake like the Keyan Queer who set the stage for hus masters arrival.

    It’s on now, and we are slowly winning. I belive we are rapidly approaching the end times. If we are not all incinerated soon we may yet survive to push Lucifer back into the pit one last time.

    Gog and Magog are in war against a country that was wholly owned by Satan and the globalist horde.

    It was their private graft and internaiinal money laundry, they will not give it up.

    This country is literally on the precipice. Things like Sweden and Italy rejecting Satan is encouraging as well as the fall of Hollywood, but while the tide is turning it may be to late.

    Gates already confessed the midterms election would be thrown to provoke the Civil War they will use as an excuse you declare martial law and come for our guns.

    Only our faith in the Lord and his intercessior Jesus will save us, but this poison is deep in America’s veins so get right cause our salvation could very well be the rapture.


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