A Superior Mayor – IOTW Report

A Superior Mayor

All heck has broken out this week in NW Wisconsin over a private comment made to a friend on social media by mayor Bruce Hagen (R-WI) of Superior regarding the President.


Did he use the N-word, did he claim Obama was a member of the LBGT community?  Perhaps he called him a traitor, an incompetent, a psychopathic liar?

The mayor gave this statement when the friend posted a picture of Michelle Obama to his Facebook page.

 “Unbelievable! She and her Muslim partner have destroyed the fabric of democracy that was so very hard fought for.”

Story Here

Remove accusation of Obama being a Muslim and there wouldn’t be a peep.

If Muslims have contributed so much to society and have been so important to modern civilizations, why do liberals get so upset when ever someone declares the President is a Muslim?  Why is it treated as such an insult that they have leap to his defense in all situations.

Are Muslims ever offended when people say Obama is a secret follower of their religion?  What was it that Rev. Wright said about Obama’s participation in his church? How do Muslims feel about the need on the left to distance Obama from them?

28 Comments on A Superior Mayor

  1. Don’t back down Mayor Hagan.

    Ask the democrat critic what is wrong with being called a Muzz? The SJW will never let this go. I imagine there will be BLM – constant demonstrations until about a foot of snow is on the ground.

  2. Funny how everybody denies he’s a muslim but him. That whole Death to Apostates thing is a bitch, eh Barkah? Pretty sure taqiyah doesn’t cover that kind of denial. “Prayin’ for the Christians” maybe, but not that.

  3. Odinga is the son of a non-religious, drug abusing, semi prostitute and a keynan moslime dog. There is no dispute at all about that. His step-father was also a black moslime, nobody disputes that either, it is a fact. He attended a moslime madrassa for years while he lived in the moslime hell known as indonesia. He grew up in that culture in his most formative years, nobody disputes that either, he has stated it himself.

    He claims the most beautiful sound he ever heard, not the mooing of michell, but the moslime horn call to prayer. He admittedly brags that he gets daily ‘inspirationals” from the koran sent to him from the MB spiritual advisor he has. He has never been seen going to any church on Sundays, nor has he claimed to have joined one in DC, in the past SEVEN years.

    He is a powder keg of anger in his defiant defense of savagery by moslimes around the world. He falsely ascribes human attributes to them as a group rather than the real truth that they are violent dogs. So to conclude anything other than he is a moslime defys all logic and facts as affirmed by him. he is the one that told us about his moslime roots and dog eating. we did not make that up. Until someone proves otherwise, he is a moslime.

  4. So there he is. Trying so hard to formulate America to his worldview, contrary to what we’ve always embraced.
    When I hear terms like “anti muslim” and the like, no. NO. They’re anti -Christ.
    Difference is, christians don’t slaughter them as they do to them if they don’t embrace allah.

  5. I’m tired of hearing about all of the things that Muslims have supposedly contributed to society. It was the people living in dhimmitude in lands that the Muslims conquered who came up with any inventions, NOT the Muslims themselves.

    They were, and are, a bunch of inbred savages.

  6. The comment is completely out of line! I mean, you never, ever, EVER end a well-constructed sentence with a preposition!

    Seriously, the only question left to answer is Shiite or Sunni.

  7. Still waiting for that death threat from the cult of perpetual outrage against him. Most apostates are immediately dealt in terms of fatwas declaring them as such but for some odd unexplained reason, Obama hasn’t had one.

  8. Space Travel
    No-Interest Loans
    Increasing Gun Sales
    Increasing Ammo Sales
    Increasing Gun Training
    Homosexual Marriage
    Perverts on Parade
    Drinking Camel Piss



  9. FTA: “In reference to Hagen’s labeling of the president as a Muslim, Young called it ‘a misrepresentation of the truth. It was disrespectful to all Muslim Americans and particularly to black Muslims.’ ”

    HAHAHA! What a deliciously ironic comment, for any Muslim to be denigrated by tying him to Obama! Love it!

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  1. Right Wing Links 12-25-15 Via Krampus, The Anthropomorphic Punisher Of Children - Blur Brain
  2. Kym Young Demands Superior Mayor Resign |

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