A Tree Named Eilene – IOTW Report

A Tree Named Eilene

KEVN black hills fox

Meet Eileen, the 2023 holiday tree that was placed in Main Street Square.

She got her name because she is leaning to one side.

It is unknown what happened to Eileen and why she decided to favor one side over the other.

“This year’s tree is the largest we’ve ever had, and it ended up quite not as planned, and we have a little bit of a tilt,” said Callie Meyer, executive director of Downtown Rapid City and Main Street Square. More

24 Comments on A Tree Named Eilene

  1. “It is unknown what happened to Eileen and why she decided to favor one side over the other.”

    Oh, I think we know: It was set up by incompetent people. People who have no intention of trying to correct the problem, likely because they know they’d only make it worse. You had one job, Callie.

    There was a funny ad campaign a few years back, and the theme was settlers settling for less. I reckon that’s where we are in Biden’s America. Toolbags lost in space, tankers in the drink, and trees that won’t stand straight, but nobody died, so let’s just laugh about it, because what else can we do?

    crank rant /off

  2. Brad
    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 21:22 AT 9:22 PM
    “How about the same guy hanging in your wall?

    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 21:38 AT 9:38 PM
    I guess you all give up. Matt and Wally. Pretty sad shit, I know. Good night Irene.”

    …I thought the guy on the wall was named Art.

    Maybe they’re brothers…

  3. 1950’s joke. A bunch of kids with baseballs, gloves, and bats knock on little Jimmy’s front door. Jimmy’s mother opens the door and the kids ask her if Jimmy can come out and play. Jimmy’s mom says: You kids know Jimmy has no arms and legs…he can’t play baseball with you. The kids look at each other and one of the kids says: That’s OK, we just want to use him for home plate.

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