A Trump Moment That Was Overlooked at the Time – IOTW Report

A Trump Moment That Was Overlooked at the Time

It’s all about him?

17 Comments on A Trump Moment That Was Overlooked at the Time

  1. Looking back, it is funny how Jeb! flippantly “taps” (slaps) Trump when he comes out in that clip as if he is the “anointed one” (which he was at the time by the GOPe scum). The Bush “brand” is in the bottom of the gutter where it belongs, but the Trump “brand” is only growing stronger among real Americans of every stripe. I hope, think and pray that America is finally waking up to the garbage that we have been fed for decades of DC bullshit and the voters are going to do their best to throw off the chains that have bound people that believe in the US Constitution and YHVH for so long. Of course this will require eliminating the corrupt voting machines altogether and countering the wholesale mail in balloting by the demoncrat machine.

  2. We have seen many glimpses of this Trump, some from personal anecdotes of things he has done off-camera. Currently, I wish that he would stop disparaging the other GOP candidates, he is the clear leader and should act like one. He has ads attacking DeSantis for not doing enough re covid ‘vaccination’ and also for doing too much. He’s all over the place. And it’s his team, but it is also him. Frankly, it makes him look like a desperate loser. If he just cleaned up his approach, without changing who he is at the core, he would gain another 10 points and be unstoppable.

  3. Ben got a cushy job out of Trump, he served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. I don’t recall any of the others standing on that podium get anything from Trump but grief. Trump did right with Dr. Carson.

  4. GFY to the dummies who say PDT’s a raycissst

    lately i’ve been seeing a whole lotta blacks pulling up old videos proving PDT was right about everyone & everything

    who knew the names of all these deranged deviant degenerates in 2016?
    we sure do now, he put them in the spotlight, & knew their vanity would cause them to implode when the truth was exposed

    so far i’ve not seen PDT start shit, but he does hit back twice as hard when the evil doers try to sucker punch him & that makes me smile


  5. Cmn¢¢guy, remember that townhall PDT did with savannah guthrie?

    instead of asking him actual questions we the people wanted to hear, she was freakishly obsessed with trying to tie him in with the Q forums because he went public about stopping the human trafficking epidemic

  6. That was the moment he had my vote. I saw it live and found it so refreshingly kind and classy –especially compared to Jeb!’s saunter and shrug that followed.

  7. Among many reasons why Trump does not lend his presence to the GOP debates, this moment is probably on Trump’s top five list. Same with the “kid’s table” bullshit. The media and the RNC are like high school clubs, and they deserve only scorn.

  8. Picking up the hat for the marine in front of the helicopter. Paying for peoples hospital costs and transporting the sick on his jet. Hugging the flag. The work he did on 911. Calling families of fallen soldiers and more.


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