A Vote For Labor Is A Vote For Islam – IOTW Report

A Vote For Labor Is A Vote For Islam


[…] Some may say, who cares that is overseas?

islam rape culture

We all need to care because some of things are happening here in Australia and divisive public figures like Ms Aly want to distract us with complicated theoretical explanations that do little to allay our concerns.

There are communities in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and beyond where Aussie daughters of Islamic parents are forced to wear divisive Islamic garb against their choice, they are not allowed out without a male family member as chaperone, they fear being married off underage, and they fear punishment or being ostracized by their community if the reject Islam.


4 Comments on A Vote For Labor Is A Vote For Islam

  1. izlam is a curse upon the Earth.

    Whether “Domesticated,” “Moderate,” or “Radical” they must be eradicated.

    They are only strong against the weak, terrible to the terrified, and dominant to the subservient.

    If we cut them, they will bleed; if we kill them, they will die.

    Coexistence with them is an ephemera – a phantasm – a lie to narcotize the gullible.

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