See how that works, feminists?

Tucker dropped the ball and didn’t (to my knowledge) use the line against this ignoramus who defends female genital mutilation. She says we have genital mutilation in this country.

Women, you know not of what you speak. Foreskin removal does not render a man incapable of having an orgasm or enjoying sex.

The purpose of clitoris removal is to do exactly that.

(Cue the right-wing men who will argue about circumcision to the point where this women’s argument, which is stupid, starts to make sense.)


  1. What about Kekistanis? We’ve been oppressed for thousands of years, yet we don’t mandate circumcision and ban female genital mutilation in our culture. Since ANTHROpology is the “study of man,” I demand equal time for a cisgendered, black male lesbian Kekthropologist or we will sue for skriminations an sheet.

  2. If cutting off the foreskin reduced the chances of male organism a war would have been fought to irradiate the practice off the face of the earth. But come to think of it- that war would not be necessary because that culture would have died out in 1 generation.

    Men not lighting of their rockets means little chance of a next generation. Cutting off, literally cutting off the part that provided the stimulation to orgasm makes for a very hard sales pitch to join that particular team.

    Anyone who would equate this to cutting off the foreskin is either an apologist for evil or so stupid they have or are working on a Phd in some touchy feely field or both but I digress.

  3. I don’t know—who would want to have sex with a woman that just lays there and says-turn the channel-give me a smoke- are you done yet? what a disgusting thing to do to a woman- but hey– isn’t it a muzzie thing trying to dominate their ladies not to go around to different hut’s to find some joy? stupid people dominate this planet— let me off at the next exit….

  4. just pass’n thru, that’s just what most of my ex girlfriends used to say to me, and they still had clitorises. The only thing that could make them reliably have an orgasm was money.

  5. There is a medical case for the male to avoid sebaceous secretion, the onset is after the first month and for the rest of his life. Women have yeast and other secretions I really don’t want to know about, but are any of the secretions grounds for a medical mutilation procedure? And if so, what age is the onset of the condition?

  6. I thought Tucker did a fine job on such a horrific topic. There is more that is still under investigation. The AP is still reporting on it and that is a good thing. It all needs to come out an be eradicated.
    P.S. That woman is an Idiot and complete shill.

    annie Go Trump

  7. BFH, you are using only one sense of the word “mutilation” and there are two:

    2.2 The action of rendering (a thing) imperfect by excision or destruction of one or more of its parts; also, an instance of this. [OED]

    In this sense, circumcision is correctly described as mutilation.

  8. I have to say, I was circumcised in my 20s at the suggestion of my doctor who insisted that I would be getting all kinds of infections and such. Worst decision of my life. I am here to tell you that all of those medical reports that say there is no loss of sensation is a blatant lie. There was several weeks of discomfort after the procedure, and there was definitely a significant loss of sensation. Sex has never been as pleasurable or fun since I had it done.

  9. I didn’t have my boys circumcised. Keep them clean and teach them how when they are older and no problems. One has 3 children, the other doesn’t want kids. No health problems at all. Hubby was and he sometimes wondered how much more sensitive and enjoyable sex would be if the head of his dick hadn’t been rubbing on his clothes his entire life.

  10. There are lots of nerves in the foreskin. There’s simply no question that circumcision reduces sensation: fewer nerve endings = less sensation.

    @JMV – I’m sorry your experience tends to support our position.

  11. Uncle Al–Yeah, if I had it to do over I would tell the doc to piss up a rope. Had I had children of my own, they would not have been circumcised. It is male genital mutilation, pure and simple, especially as the vast majority of boys are cut at birth and they are not given the chance to make the decision for themselves.

    I even had this conversation on another forum a few weeks ago, and you wouldn’t believe the vile things I was called, mainly because everyone thought I was taking away the importance of FGM. The sheer amount of female commenters who tried to tell me it was not the same was unbelievable, the overwhelming amount of comments went along the lines of “you wouldn’t understand what females go through unless the head of your dick was amputated”. And this was mainly from females!! As if they would know what it feels like to have male genitalia. Frigging unbelievable.

  12. @Tony R – LOL!

    @JMV – I know what you’re talking about. Yes, FGM is really, really evil and more extreme than circumcision, but that shouldn’t discount the terribly negative effects of foreskin removal, especially to infants who have no say in the matter.

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