Abortion Pill Blocked Nationwide Under Order From Texas Judge – IOTW Report

Abortion Pill Blocked Nationwide Under Order From Texas Judge

ZeroHedge: In a decision which the liberal media called an “unprecedented” decision, late on Friday a federal judge in Texas issued an order that will shut down the prescription and distribution of mifepristone in seven days, one of two drugs used for medication abortions that has been on the market in the U.S. for more than two decades. However, it wasn’t immediately clear if it was the decision that was unprecedented, or that a member of the judicial branch did something that wasn’t immediately prompted by generous funding from George Soros.

The preliminary injunction – which suspends the US government’s decades-old approval of the key drug used in medication abortion – was issued by US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, an appointee of President Donald Trump, could soon end the sale and distribution of mifepristone, used as part of a two-pill regimen to terminate a pregnancy within the first 10 weeks, while a lawsuit seeking a more permanent ban on the drug proceeds. MORE

10 Comments on Abortion Pill Blocked Nationwide Under Order From Texas Judge

  1. I am trying to picture the kind of person who would throw a temper tantrum because thewy can’t kill a baby inside their body from the comfort of the couch.

    Trying to imagine telling them “Don’t swallow, getting it inside you makes you pregnant” and watching the dim look of incomprehension on her boyfriends face.

  2. No worries, Jezebels, plenty of “doctors” out there that will facilitate your medical infanticide, you need only ask and the script is yours.

    satan’s minions gotcha covered.


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