About Locking Hillary up, Trump Says “Forgetta Bout it” – IOTW Report

About Locking Hillary up, Trump Says “Forgetta Bout it”

So much for ‘lock her up’! Trump tells Michigan crowd the famous Hillary chant ‘played great before the election’ but now ‘we don’t care.’



26 Comments on About Locking Hillary up, Trump Says “Forgetta Bout it”

  1. Trump is playing some game, cat and mouse flavored, with prosecuting Hillary. On another topic…Has anyone seen the proposal by a Republican chair Sam Johnson in the House to increase full benefit age for starting Social Security from 67 to 69, sliding scale more at the bottom and little to nothing on top end, of monthly benefits based on total income, regardless of how much was paid it during the retiree’s lifetime of working? All this, after Trump promised to not touch Social Security benefits for the retired American workers. This is serious. Trump needs to stop this before it destroys everything. I doubt this will pass, and hope Trump vetoes it, if it did. Building business and jobs will bring more money into the system and reduce the bleed out. Nothing crazy should be allowed even close to Social Security. Start off by getting shed of that useless twit Paul Ryan.

  2. To me, it sounded to me like he was trying to paint hillary as a has-been.
    On the criminal issue, I’ll wait til he’s sworn in before I bust his balls about whether hillary is prosecuted and by whom.

  3. Agreed, disappointing. However, it’s my understanding that the FBI is continuing the Clinton investigation from multiple locations. Might be a long-shot because Clintons are never held to account, but just what if justice prevails in 2017?

  4. Hillary will never be tried by a jury of her peers because that would mean they should all be in jail, and who is going to throw toughs kind of rocks in Hillary’s glass house of cards?

  5. She is currently imprisoned in her feeble alcoholic mind.
    She was a last Ditch Witch effort by the Progs to remain relevant, they failed badly.
    I just wish the flying monkey press would let the witch melt away.

  6. I listened to the whole speech. I believe his approach, post-election, is to lead people away from the fiery fighting words of the campaign battle and to bring everyone along to working together. I didn’t take it to mean he has abandoned his campaign plank of being a law and order president. Like any good leader, I think he understands he can’t govern a divided nation. He’s not going to fuel the media’s lust for division. Unlike his predecessor, he doesn’t have to spike the ball and make asinine and provocative declarations about winning. And to think conservatives were/are worried about him “being presidential enough.”

  7. I suspect the plan is to not allow the appearance of Trump going after her. Fist they need to get Obuttski out without pardoning her and himself. If he pardons her, Trump would need other jurisdictions to go after her, possibly other countries.

  8. Trump doesn’t want to seem petty or vindictive, and he doesn’t want to provoke Obumbler into giving her a pardon. I believe that he will let Congress proceed with its investigations and then not veto the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. This is the legal, constitutional method of prosecuting the Clinton Enrichment Foundation and the email scandal. This way, Trump prevents Obumbler from protecting the Clintons, and he doesn’t appear to be dividing the country. It’s brilliant strategy.

  9. I will be patient, but if Trump directs Sessions not to pursue a case against her he will be as bad as Barack Hussein Obama and if Sessions decides not to pursue a case against her he will be as bad as Loretta Hussein Lynch!

  10. I’ve said it before; here it is again: If Trump goes after Hillary now, he’ll be seen as a mean, vindictive bully who is stomping a poor old sickly woman when she’s already down. He needs to act the magnanimous winner and let the people in law enforcement who really want Hillary indicted work the slow millstones of Justice (and I suspect they will, in time). Besides, the more he talks about a jailed Hillary, the more likely we’ll wind up with a pardoned Hillary, and I certainly don’t think we want that to happen.

  11. Apologists, huh?
    It’s one major reason people voted for him.
    Since when is upholding the law petty and vindictive? And the justice department works for him, folks.
    As far as a pardon goes, how can she be pardoned if she didn’t do anything wrong? As someone else pointed out (maybe even here) trump has plenty of leverage over obama to prevent a pardon, notably his place of birth.

  12. My hump is “they gotta go back” meaning the “syrian refugees”

    I’ve fucking choked down that millions of illegals are likely going to stay. And it looks like Hillary will skate which fries my ass. But motherfuck, these 1st generation moslims are breeding like cockroaches, living on my dime and spitting out little bundles of malcontents that not only will never assimilate but will be poisoned by islam.

    Think not? You’re not paying attention. There’s dozens of Dearborns growing across the country. It’s already a defacto no-go zone for whites/Christians.

    Look at the edge that France and England are on. You want that? I thought I was voting for someone who recognized this.

  13. Compliments to every commenter! There are many possible strategies playing out, some where Trump goes back on his word, others where he’s doing what’s necessary to be able to keep his word.

    I’m with Mary Jane here, and will wait until he’s sworn in to judge his performance. If he ramps up the prosecution talk now, it’s a pardon for H and O. However, they would probably prefer not to have that stain on their ‘legacy’, so if Trump convinces them he doesn’t care any more, they may leave themselves open for prosecution.

    Remember that feeling during and after the election – NONE of this was supposed to happen! Trump was just a joke, but look who beat them all.

  14. One person can’t do it all. That’s why the American people also elected a Republican majority in the federal Senate. Oh, and a Republican majority in the federal House of Representatives. Oh, and a Republican… oh, that’s right… never mind.

  15. Hitlery HAS to be prosecuted to send a message to others that this traitorous behavior will NOT be tolerated!
    This was a major issue for Trump and if he reneges it’s going to piss a lot of people off.
    I think he is getting some very, very bad advice.

  16. I never liked Trump saying he was going to put Hiliary in jail if he won. The USA is not a Banana Republic. Also, now if she does go to jail for her many crimes the left will claim it was a vast right wing conspiracy and fake news that put her there, not her crimes. Trumps rhetoric on this is what will keep her out of jail, but hey, it did help him get elected, so there is that.

  17. All I want him to do is get rid of every illegal alien. Not let them stay while they appeal their case. Get the fuck out of my country.
    I’ll be SUPER PISSED if he backs down on that one.

  18. When Ross Perot was running for president, he would often say ridiculous, off the wall comments, and the Perotistas (Perot-bots, more like it) would restate these comments starting with “He didn’t mean THAT; what he REALLY meant was….”

    Now that Trump! has reneged on his promise to “JAIL HER” too many of His supporters are defending him. As Ann Coulter wrote two weeks ago, if He reneges on his border wall promise (God forbid), the outrage will be unimaginable.

    And the worst part of that would be all the #nevertrumpsters screaming, “We told you so! We tried to warn you, but NOOOOOOOO!”

  19. @the nerdest: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I don’t think too many voters really expected Trump to build a literal giant wall along the entire Mexican border. Sure, we’ll get more fencing, more agents, more surveillance, and hopefully more co-operation from Mexico, but I suspect Trump’s priorities are going to run more toward rebuilding the American economy than anything else. First things first.

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