In other news, cats don't actually have people's tongues, nor do pots have the ability to call kettles black
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 6, 2020
27 Comments on Absolute Friggin Idiot AOC Deconstructs Metaphor – And She’s Serious
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pls keep her around for awhile
she’s entertaining, and she deserves great credit for helping steer the left to the cliff
She ripped the eyelets out of eighteen brand new pair of shoes trying. She would know.
Proving yet again she is the dumbest, most obtuse person in congress.
Representative “Will the island tip over?” thanks her.
I clicked the link. Now I’m an idiot.
While she was a student at BU, her boyfriends told her they could guess her temperature… doggie-style.
This woman has single handily destroyed all dumb blonde jokes.
AOC is a parody of herself – if that’s possible. What an idiot. Sadly, she’s not alone.
She puts the Id into the word idiot. Like Rush used to say she’s a few fries short of a happy meal.
I would say she’s dumb as a rock but that’s physically impossible since rocks don’t have brains. So I guess she’s dumber than a rock.
She was last seen yesterday mumbling about having trouble finding that free lunch everybody’s talking about.
1) My western boots do have straps (2 a side) and they most likely would support my weight.
2) Some of my older work clothes are used for really rough jobs like painting and do eventually make it to the rag pile in the garage.
3) She could easily Braid a pair of Keen’s Bootlaces together and FEEL them support her weight as she hung herself by the neck from a ceiling joist.(that’s why they take em from prisoners)
Her stupidity makes her more dangerous than anyone realizes. ie. Trudeau
The only possible way for her to provide any benefit to her fellow citizens is by leaving congress and submitting herself to study and testing in some primate lab.
Yes folks, she is that stupid….
I’m pretty sure I could put one of my boot laces around her neck and get her off the ground with no problem. I wouldn’t but I could.
I’ll bet she would have a hard time with “you can’t fix stupid.”
Or lets see her contradict stupid is what stupid does.
AOC can’t deconstruct Legos without a helmet on.
And just think, this imbecile is wildly popular in leftist circles. How can we beat her other than with a majority of voters in her district which we don’t and won’t have.
We can marvel at her level of stupidity but the situation really isn’t very funny.
I thought that we were done giving this numb skull any more attention?
I hope that she loses reelection and just fades into irrelevancy.
Nancy Pelosi gets pushed around by this dolt. And President Sanders would appoint her to his cabinet.
Democrats, you made your bed, now you must sleep on it.
AOC, feel free to deconstruct that one.
I heard this on the radio last night and truly thought it was someone mimicking her doing this bit. I honestly cannot believe she is this stupid. But alas…
“What does “bootstrapping” mean to the GOP? That you didn’t go to public school? That you didn’t enlist in the military, which is funded by the gov? That you never got a tax break for starting a business or buying a home? That your parents never used food assistance to feed you?”—AOC
IOW, “You didn’t build that.”
Leave it to AOC to finder a dumber way to restate a stupid Liz Warren idea while campaigning for Bernie.
AOC’s comedic value has been exhausted due to overexposure. However her repeated idiotic statements insure that anyone with an IQ over 80 realizes how stupid she is. And Bernie wants her in his government? God save us.
Thas a deep thinker, their.
truer words were never spoke ………….
Geez lady, yer are not only a clown, yer the entire fucking circus!
(and don’t lecture me about using the word “yer”. It’s a joke!)
I hope she does primary Schumer and wins. She’ll find getting elected with that track record a damn sight more difficult then running in a NY district whose demographics almost guarantee victory for this idiot just because she’s a Democrat. If the GOP gets a decent candidate who’ll go after her tooth and nail they could turn the seat.