Absolute Nobodys Who Would Otherwise Be Shooting Up School Throw Paint On Constitution Display – IOTW Report

Absolute Nobodys Who Would Otherwise Be Shooting Up School Throw Paint On Constitution Display

ht/ illustr8r


19 Comments on Absolute Nobodys Who Would Otherwise Be Shooting Up School Throw Paint On Constitution Display

  1. The one chewing gum is probably a known habitual criminal and the other cretin looks like a worthless, non-productive trust fund brat.
    Both worthless tools who should be exiled. America deserves better citizenship – “Love it or leave it”.

  2. I bet if the damage to the display protecting the Constitution costs less than $900 to fix they won’t be charged…the new normal.

    The Paul Blart Mall cops do-nothing. Lots of hand waving and talk.

    I stood and looked at the Constitution and moved to tears. I just cannot process the idiocy of this crowd throwing paint on great pieces of art and now this. I hate them. No other emotion fits.

  3. Bring back the stocks and place these 2 assholes in it in the middle of the National mall and let American citizens line up in droves and throw all sorts of nasty shit at them and then tar and feather the bastards butt naked and then send them to jail forever in solitary confinement 24/7.

  4. Fat ass security stood there and watched them. How about you throw them in cells next to the J6 folks and have them sit there for 3 years without a fair trial. Naw, your not gonna do that. bet they get off with no charges. Our country is lost and need DJT right the fu*k now!

  5. All done with the tacit approval of the “powers that be” – otherwise they’d be dead.
    Same with the destruction of our History, the promulgation of faggism, BLM, ANTIFA, izlamic terror (support for Palestine, for instance), the destruction of women’s sports by “trans-gender” bullshitism, and the general decay of our culture.

    After a while there won’t be any Republic to salvage.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Why were they not tackled and cuffed before they could even get the paint out of their bags?? Why were they even let into the building with that crap in their possession?? What were the effing guards doing?? Standing there watching?? Were they bribed to let this happen?!?
    Heads should be rolling!!!!


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