“absurd nonsense” – World Health Organization moves into social matters rather than health – IOTW Report

“absurd nonsense” – World Health Organization moves into social matters rather than health


Until now, infertility – the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sex – was considered a disability.

But now in dramatic move the World Health Organisation will change the standard to suggest that a person who is unable to find a suitable sexual partner or is lacking a sexual relationship to have children – will now be equally classified as disabled.

WHO says the change will give every individual “the right to reproduce”.

Under the new rules, heterosexual single men and women and gay men and women who want to have children will now be given the same priority as a couple seeking IVF because of medical fertility problems.

But critics branded the new laws as “absurd nonsense” arguing that the organisation has overstepped the mark by moving into social matters rather than health.

Gareth Johnson MP, former chair of the All Parliamentary Group on Infertility, whose own children were born thanks to fertility treatment, said: “I’m in general a supporter of IVF. But I’ve never regarded infertility as a disability or a disease but rather a medical matter.

“I’m the first to say you should have more availability of IVF to infertile couples but we need to ensure this whole subject retains credibility.

He said: “The definition of infertility is now written in such a way that it includes the rights of all individuals to have a family, and that includes single men, single women, gay men, gay women.

“It puts a stake in the ground and says an individual’s got a right to reproduce whether or not they have a partner. It’s a big change.


ht/ js

8 Comments on “absurd nonsense” – World Health Organization moves into social matters rather than health

  1. And such un-provided-for children will be, in effect, slave owners – because the productive of the world will be taxed at gunpoint to provide food, shelter, clothing, and self-esteem for the little creeps. And the taxed will have no say in how these children are raised and what they are taught.

    The responsible parties in the WHO should be forcibly indentured for the rest of their miserable collectivist lives.

  2. Typical world order stuff. Make everyone dependent on government and they BELONG to government. It’s so transparent and historic, what is wrong with people?

    It is becoming more and more understandable why civilizations destroy themselves. It’s historic and just like war, we NEVER learn!

  3. Is there going to be an office where I will go and be able to have a girlfriend issued me? Will there be binders of women that I can choose from? Or will I be issued monetary compensation instead? Which I can then use to rent young Russian prostitutes via Craigslist? And what about lonely plain Janes? Does my photo go into some sort of binder for the ladies? Yet another example of leftist over reach!

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