Academics Finally Uncover the Closed Liberal Mind – IOTW Report

Academics Finally Uncover the Closed Liberal Mind

For years studies on stubborn beliefs (what others call values) have always concluded that Conservatives were the most dogmatic.


But some researchers decided the 50 year-old scale used to measure the degree of dogma neededsome updating so they added a few questions on the environment and found Liberals are more cement-headed than anyone.


 They just scratched the surface of Liberal certitude. They should add gay marriage, gun control, immigration, racial preferences, and entitlement programs to their study and watch their meters get blown out. 


4 Comments on Academics Finally Uncover the Closed Liberal Mind

  1. “It may be that liberals are, as many (LIBERALS!!!) have claimed…pulled towards complexity more than conservatives: But we think such a judgment is premature.”

    Liberals are so dooommmb that they equate their hypocrisy with “complexity.”

  2. Principles are just easier to understand and follow, EVERYBODY. They say that’s dogmatic, while in they’re in their “everything is relative” mindset. What they’re REALLY saying is “I don’t believe in nor trust SELF government and we just ought to embrace this man-made collective reality, so that I don’t have to be held personally accountable”.
    Righties desire mature adulthood, lefties desire to maintain a child-like state.
    How to sell what we have as preferable, I don’t know other than bottom-up capitalism.

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