According to Joe Biden, More Than 100% of Americans Are Already Vaccinated – IOTW Report

According to Joe Biden, More Than 100% of Americans Are Already Vaccinated

PJMedia: Joe Biden said some things today. He claimed the jobs that are returning after the Democrats’ COVID shutdowns as economic growth. That’s not honest, but neither is he.

He also claimed, while goading Americans to get the COVID vaccine, that more than all of us already have.

20 Comments on According to Joe Biden, More Than 100% of Americans Are Already Vaccinated

  1. @geoff the aardvark: Oh that’s coming. Dr. Malone the inventor of the mRNA that is being used in the jabs, has reached the point of no return. The frightening part is, those vaccinated and got the second jab are in for severe health problems. Anyone who did not get the jab, don’t submit. Scientists, virologists, biologist have sounded the alarm and are being censored.

  2. You guys are so tough on Joey. He’s going to be the gold standard for future Dem presidents. Statues, buildings and roads will be named after him, the whole works.

  3. @ecp, I did pretty much that yesterday on Nextdoor. There has been one poster that has been spamming about getting the jab and wearing masks. I shut him down for a few days by simply asking if he was getting paid to post.

    He came back a few days later and started it all over again. In the post where he was pushing the jab, I said, “After seeing what it did to Biden, I’m going to pass on this.” That shut him right up. I imagine he’s squirming and wiggling in anticipation of getting back into totalitarian mode. I give him another day or so and he’ll be back.


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