ACLU Gasbag Forced to Resign Because He Doesn’t Understand the Concept of Civil Liberties – IOTW Report

ACLU Gasbag Forced to Resign Because He Doesn’t Understand the Concept of Civil Liberties

Loring Wirbel strikes me as one of those weirdoes who actually savors the smell of his own farts.


He draws a long breath in through his nose, waits for the gas to hit is olfactory senses and then begins expounding on the sharp acidic note of sulfur with just a hint of the richly dark methane to give that particular expulsion a swampy damp undertone.

How, you may ask, can I draw this conclusion? Because Mr. Wirbel resigned from the Colorado ACLU board yesterday after being caught posting a comment to Facebook calling for Trump supporters to be killed.


Wirbel is also a rank hypocrite. I know from skimming his oh so overly precious blog titled “Icono-Curmudgeon-Clast- Loring Wirbel’s Rants.”

He’s stopped making entries in September (too many spammers and fake post),  but he’s left his previous works out there for the world to appreciate. I found his post on Friday January 31, 2014 “Citizenship Rules for a Fake-Sentient Species” interesting. In particular his rule #5

If you are going to be a critical global citizen, think about the adage “Cruel But Fair.” If you resort immediately to the ad-hominem name-calling attack, and insist that “All (members of X group) are bad,” you only expose your ignorance and prejudice.  Be specific and address problems directly to the person responsible for the problems. Do not shirk from calling someone out for doing wrong. They may hate you today, but they will likely thank you later – and if they don’t, they probably do not deserve to be friends or comrades.

How true gas bag, how true



16 Comments on ACLU Gasbag Forced to Resign Because He Doesn’t Understand the Concept of Civil Liberties

  1. “He draws a long breath in through his nose, waits for the gas to hit is olfactory senses and then begins expounding on the sharp acidic note of sulfur with just a hint of the richly dark methane to give that particular expulsion a swampy damp undertone.”

    Dr. Tar, how poetic.

  2. The chief of police in Colorado Springs said Wirble’s post was covered by free speech and therefore they do not intend to investigate. If a comment was posted from someone suggesting the populace shoot Muslims, would the response be the same?

  3. His blog is so much excess verbiage, I know he thinks everything he writes is profound, he’d think his farts are roses too.

    Reading it is like cracking open a Progressives brain case then stepping back as the vacuum of an utter void sucks in everything around it. In short, it sucks.

  4. “Wednesday, September 16, 2015
    Closed Until Further Notice
    Iconomcurmudgeonclast Fans: Due to problems with multiple fake blog posts, spammy comments that are clogging up the console, and a general lack of impetus to update, this blog will be archived and locked down until further notice. I’m still here…… ”

    First of all, I can sleep better tonight knowing that this gasbag is off the net. Now let me tell you what I discerned from reading this trashbags’ site:

    1.) This guy admits to having grown up in Grand Ledge, Michigan. It is likely that he is a graduate of the University of Michigan. It is the “curse” of the state of Michigan that a tremendous number of Liberal A-holes come from that state, and in particular, from the U of M.

    2.) He listed is occupation as “publisher”. How much you want to bet that he has not had a steady job in ten to fifteen years? I’ve seen so many of the liberal arts types who expect society to support them without regard to the cost on everybody else.

    3.) He disclosed the fact that he has protested at Vandenberg Air Force Base. I guess this occurred during the Reagan Administration when the Nuclear Freeze movement was going on. I strongly suspect he was harrassing Vietnam Veterans by calling them “Baby Killers.” Never mind the irony of supporting Abortion.

    4.) His opinions show a lack of empathy or respect for those who disagree with him. In fact, he has a mentality that shows he is the center of his own universe and will tell everyone about it. It is people like this that make me wish I had a double-digit IQ.

    5.) It is one thing to have a blog and post your viewpoint. It is another when you start to denigrate and commit (so-called) “hate-speech” to anyone you disagree with. But this creep has edited pictures of himself. I think this man may have some kind of psychological disorder.

    Just my own observations. Nothing more……….

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