Acosta Not Getting The Message – IOTW Report

Acosta Not Getting The Message

It’s getting to be as common a feature at the president’s rallies as chants of “Make America Great Again.” Rally goers in Tampa yesterday nearly drown out Jim Acosta’s live report back to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer with the repeated observation that “CNN sucks.”

Acosta, who appeared not to appreciate all the attention he received in Tampa, would later tweet out his concern that “someone will get hurt” and “The press is not the enemy.” More

So much for brave Jim “shout at the devil” Acosta.

23 Comments on Acosta Not Getting The Message

  1. Acosta is wrong again. The MSM is the enemy of POTUS and will do anything they can to get him out of office. Why are they so shocked that after all the lies for all these years we are fighting back?

  2. In spite of the fact that idiot Acosta keeps pulling this shit and gets slapped down, resulting in great fun on our part, he needs to have his press creds revoked and subjected to standing out back by the dumpsters. It’s reached a point where, like what Paul Simon once sang, “I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore”.

  3. Hey Jim Acosta,
    Do YOU get carded at the Grocery Store?
    What about at your Bank?
    Or your Gym?

    Where else does one need a valid ID in this Country?
    Why don’t you report on that?
    Let’s make a List.

  4. At today’s presser following yesterday’s Tampa rally a reporter asked Sara about QAnon and Blacks for Trump, and “other fringe groups.” I bet there are some Blacks for Trump that would like to kick his ass.

  5. Katy Tur MSNBC just made a similar Caputo toothless comment at 2:34PM.
    She just railed against the Rally Coverage and screamed about the camera not panning and scanning the crowd with the NBC camera to try and find some colored folk.
    Why is this OK NBC?

  6. I’d love to see Trump’s administration tell CNN if they want a seat in the White House Press Room, they need to assign someone besides “look at me” Jim Acosta. He’s not welcome anymore.

  7. Well, I hate to tell you but trying to talk to Jim Acosta is like talking to my cat. The phone is dead, no use yelling because its just wasting your time, there’s not anything much bouncing around inside his head that works or registers. Now I didn’t say anything directly about your cat, I’m talking about mine, the yellow one. Is saying yellow racist?? If you think it is…too bad, no one can help you.

  8. The “press” have been the enemy of nearly everything American and USA for decades! That would include some of their actions even during WW2 and the Korean War. The VN coverage we ALL know about. And, by all means, PLEASE remember Walter Duranty, NYT columnist who touted Joseph Stalin and The USSR during the ’20s and ’30s. He was awarded the PuLitzer Prize – which might tell a thinking person something about that award.

  9. Hey Brad, speaking of great pics from last night, I saw one of POTUS sitting next to FLOTUS. Trump giving the camera the thumbs up and Melania, looking like the most beautiful First Lady ever. I only saw it once and I’ve looking for it today but haven’t seen it. Last nights rally was great.

  10. Acosta, as my daddy always said, iffen ya git in a shit throwing contest, don’t act surprised when ya git some on ya.
    Jim, the disrespect you got last night serves your arrogant ass right. Try acting respectful for a change.


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