Acting is offensive – IOTW Report

Acting is offensive

Blackface – Is it offensive?

Can a straight guy play a gay guy, or is that offensive appropriation?

Was Al Pacino and Chris Sarandon out of line in Dog Day Afternoon while pretending to be gay?

Respected English actor Simon Callow thinks the art of acting is in peril because of the stupidity of activists.


“This is madness. The whole idea of acting has gone out of the window, if you follow the logic of that,” he says.

“To say it is offensive to transgendered people for non-trans people to play them is nonsense. Because you have to have been a murderer to play Macbeth, you have to be Jewish to play Shylock. It’s nonsense.

“The great point of acting is that it is an act of empathy about someone you don’t know or understand.”

Here is a poll conducted by the Telegraph on blackface  —–>

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ht/ the big owe

13 Comments on Acting is offensive

  1. The stoopid “appropriating” twits will soon enough find themselves being ignored, battered, scoffed, along with the “trans”, “gheys”, “BLMs” and the rest of the host of 3% of the population Libtard victim groups. The pot is coming to a boil, and I don’t think the Libtards (etc) will like the boilover results.
    But they’re Libtards. They want, nay, the CRAVE, they HUNGER, they DEMAND the attention and the power from being a member of a 3% victim group. They can’t help themselves. They can’t stop.

  2. It’s hard to trust actors and actresses. You never know if the person you are talking to is trying out there next role on you. I told my wife that a few years ago and she thought I was being a jerk but then found out an actress friend of hers seemed to be someone different every time she saw her. She doesn’t have any actress friends right now.

  3. Take a step back and think about this whole business of offending people. As a matter of simple epistomology, I cannot know what you may find offensive. If I were to be responsible for not offending anybody, I may as well go home and shoot myself…but that would of course offend some people because GUNS!

    Civilized people who value liberty are tolerant of those who do no damage, even if their actions or words are offensive. If asked, I’ll explain why I regard some person as unfit for polite company, but only if asked, and I certainly would never try to use force of any kind to shut him up or stop his antics. Sarcasm and insult, perhaps, but not force.

    Back to the specific question of black-face actors: Simon Callow pretty much hits the bulls-eye. I see nothing offensive, much less wrong, with an actor wearing makeup to make him appear to be something other than what he is, because that’s what acting is all about. If someone is offended, that’s his problem.

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