The Peruvian Minister of Health, Zulema Tomás, reported that during the surgery to save García’s life, the ex-president had suffered three heart attacks, and had affirmed that the former president’s situation was “very serious and critical.”
In the last statements that former President Garcia gave to the press, he deemed the order for his preliminary arrest to be “a great injustice”, in the wake of investigations into alleged money laundering.
“Based on speculation people should not be deprived of their freedom, even in a preliminary fashion. I think that would be a great injustice, although we have seen such cases lately,” said Garcia.
In his last interview, given on the night of Tuesday, April 16, Garcia insisted on his innocence and affirmed, in a few words that seemed to foreshadow what would happen, that he had faith in his historical legacy: “I am a Christian. I believe in life after death. I think I have earned a small place in the history of Peru.”
The preliminary arrest warrant also includes Luis Nava, former Chief of Staff during the second Aprista government, and textile entrepreneur Miguel Atala, a close friend of the former president. Their sons, José Nava and Samir Atala, respectively, were also included in the warrant.
While the doctors tried to save the former president’s life, another ex-president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK), spent the night in a medical clinic with a heart condition, after he was arrested for the alleged crime of money laundering, also in the framework of the Odebrecht case.
Corruption in Latin America! Who knew?
Americans should have such good fortune.
It’d be fun to watch hillary clinton try the same thing when the cops are at her front door.
There is a good possibility.
“I am a Christian.”
And your point?
The police lieutenant said “I don’t understand.. all I did wuz hold up a picture of Hillary!”
Can we send the police to Obama’s door to do a welfare check?
If they need help with the investigation, Robert Mueller is now available…
He didn’t even get to enjoy all that laundered money. You’d think these bozos would consider the unintended consequences at the onset of their crimes. Oh, well . . .
Say whatever you want about 3rd world and corruption in Latin America, but, at least, people are seeing some sort of justice there.
– Brazilian ex president, Lula da Silva (the man Obama wanted to be President of the World Bank), is still in prison (not a real prison cell, tho).
-Dilma Rousseff was impeached and removed from office.
-The ex Vice President, Michel Temer was arrested last month and some of his ill gotten wealth was confiscated.
-Many other politicians (ex governors, lawmakers) and businessmen have been arrested.
Note: None of this has to do with Bolsonaro -The so called Trump Of The Tropics- who has, actually, been a real disappointment for the people in his first 100 days. But that’s another story…
Hillary can’t die before her convictions. She’ll be beatified to sainthood above Saint Peter. Her minions will worship her as higher than God Himself. Please God don’t let her die until she’s been tried and convicted. Amen.
1harpazo, Exactly! And ditto for Obama. Remember McCain’s funeral, now can you imagine what they will do for the Clintons and the Obamas? I shudder just thinking about!
What a strange world we live in!
Latin America arresting corrupt-o-crats while we canonize them!
Wobbles the mind!
izlamo delenda est …
Are they sure that’s him? lol
Re hildabeast: ” Psychopaths are relatively immune to suicide.”
Well here in America, it’s the land of the free, that sort of thing just isn’t done here.
Corrupt top elected office holders, and people appointed to high office will die of old age natural causes before they’re ever charged with anything.
No siree, here it’s mostly the other way round, the corrupt walk free, collude, scheme and focus intently on creating ways to falsely accuse and charge the innocent top office holder of corruption and crimes never committed.
Alan Garcia Perez is not dead! He is too smart to kill him self… We all know he paid loads of money to fake his death to avoid prosecution… he is now enjoying life and the rest of his money he has left somewhere overseas!
Rumor has it that he pulled strings, faked his death, and will be allowed to live out his life on the Galapagos Islands disguised as a marine iguana.