Actor Gets 30 Years in Prison For Rape – IOTW Report

Actor Gets 30 Years in Prison For Rape


A judge sentenced “That ’70s Show” show star Danny Masterson to 30 years to life in prison Thursday for raping two women, giving them some relief after they spoke in court about the decades of damage he inflicted.

“When you raped me, you stole from me,” said one woman who Masterson was convicted of raping in 2003. “That’s what rape is, a theft of the spirit.”

“You are pathetic, disturbed and completely violent,” she said. “The world is better off with you in prison.”

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo handed down the sentence to the 47-year-old Masterson after hearing statements from the women, and pleas for fairness from defense attorneys.

The actor, who has been in custody since May, sat in court wearing a suit. Masterson watched the women without visible reaction as they spoke. He maintains his innocence and his attorneys plan to appeal.

15 Comments on Actor Gets 30 Years in Prison For Rape

  1. He should have raped little boys – then he’da been elected to the Senate, appointed to the Supreme Court, or made Biden’s Chief of Staff.

    Might have even taken Bootyjuice’s job.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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